Is it normal that i eat one dollar bills?
Is it Normal that I eat one dollar bills? I have a hardcore addiction to eating paper currency, I eat about 20-30 dollars in a week.
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Is it Normal that I eat one dollar bills? I have a hardcore addiction to eating paper currency, I eat about 20-30 dollars in a week.
Is that what they mean when they say you could feed a starving African child with just a dollar a day? Damn i had it all wrong!
it's really not.. those things are filthy... they've been in strippers underwear! XD
Fibers--cotton fibers--on this bill act the same way as this agar, and the agar is like Jell-O gelatin. And that's normally what we grow our bacteria on in petri dishes.
Researchers found all kinds of bacteria, including the stuff that causes acne.
It also found bacteria that causes flesh-eating MRSA, and other bacteria that thrives in people's genitals.
On one study done, over 40 million DNA samples were found. 95% were that of bacteria. 17,000 types of bacteria were found, including E. Coli. I would highly recommend not ingesting any more bills. In fact, I would switch to plastic, which is easier to clean and has not been in everyone's hands and stripper's asses. If you would rather eat than spend the money, I will give you my address so you can send me the money instead.
Whoa...dude...don't eat money...along w/ being dirty and probably a federal offense (lmao) it has hella chemicals in it...stop it.
Do you even know what goes into making a dollar bill? Besides chemicals, there is all kinds of germs and shit on that money. Hell, even if you (somehow) got it fresh off the press, it would still be poisonous to eat it I am certain. But I think you are probably lying though.
I bet you're worth millions!
Money is dirty. it's been every and handle by many different kinds of people. You don't know what was on their hands! I take you must have pica which can be fixed if you see a doctor. Save your cash, money doesn't grow on trees!