Is it normal that i enjoy going to the movies by myself?

I have friends and go to the movies with them often, but sometimes I like to go alone. My friends say I'm weird for doing this. Is this normal?

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 62 votes (53 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • disthing


    The social part of watching a movie at the cinema is discussing it before and afterwards.

    The actual movie-watching part is quite a solitary action when you think about it. You're in the dark, you're mostly silent. What difference does it make if you're with friends or not?

    I think more people don't do it purely because they'd be embarrassed. Sort of like going to a restaurant or bar alone. But if there's a movie you want to see, and nobody else wants to see it with you, why miss out on it just because it's 'unusual' to go it alone?

    So it's normal to enjoy it, although less common to actually do it.

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  • Satanic_Cereal

    I think I get the urge to go out alone, also--- stemming from childhood--- when I got tired of not being able to go anywhere without having to stay by the parents/ family the whole time. I spent my whole youth developing the urge to go out somewhere-- and be able to go where ever you want to, and move around freely. Hanging out with friends is fun too. But I get that same feeling, like I'm stuck having to follow them, or stand in one spot. It would be tiring to always feel that way.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I saw Jeepers Creepers in the movie theater by myself. It was fun but I didn't think the movie was that scary.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Oh, pssshh. Screw social rules. I've seen people do such stupid crap to keep up with appearances.
    I remember I was at a restaurant, I had to use the restroom. It was only one room for women, one for men. The ladies had a line formed, would have taken 20 min to wait. Men's was empty, so I skimmered past them, to the men's room- like a logical person. By the time we were done eating, the last lady I saw was just getting in the restroom.
    Don't worry about what your friends think. Be happy.

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  • Riddler

    Its normal. I think about going alone but I always feel I will look awkward. I don't have any people I can go with. Since society always makes movies sound like a date. Which is irritating since when people think its a date they want to kiss, hold hands and talk during the movie. Why pay for something you don't want to watch? That is asinine.

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  • Holzman_67

    I enjoy it too, because I feel like I'm perceiving the film on my own grounds. It's not to say you can't do that when seeing a film with others, but having a friend in your peripheral vision and their presence makes it less of a personal experience and more a shared one.

    I have friends who get quite restless sitting through a film and this bothers me somewhat. I like to engage with the movie as much as possible, let it transport me into its world and its characters.

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  • anti-hero

    I have done it.

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    • Tommythecat.

      Oh my god, no way.

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      • anti-hero

        It's more fun when I take your little sister. But my fingers stay cleaner alone.

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        • Tommythecat.

          Omg you poop.

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          • anti-hero

            Yeah get that sometimes, she doesn't know how to wipe properly.

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            • Tommythecat.


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