Is it normal that i face my fears head on?

Whenever I realize that I am afriad of something, I get in my head that I need to face it. Such as public speaking, I am taking speech class this year. Dancing, I force myself Ito going to school dances. So is it normal to put myself through one thing I don't like in order to conquer a fear?

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71% Normal
Based on 31 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • FruityGoofyFaggot

    Yes. More people should do exactly what you're doing!

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  • NobodyCares

    YOU are awesome!!! You are a role model.

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    • hiiiiiiiiiii

      Haha thank u??? Why am I awesome hahahaha?

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      • derenaro

        You're awesome because most people avoid irrational fears (like me) and it builds the fear up in their mind and sometimes interferes with their happiness and decision making. You are very brave.

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  • dom180

    Some fears, yeah. If I were to make a rule about it for myself, I'd say that fears you know are irrational you should always challenge because that's a good way to eliminate the fear. Psychologists call it flooding, which broadly speaking is a type of desensitization. The idea is that immersing yourself in the stimulus that causes the fear response for a long enough period of time can "cure" a phobia or an anxiety disorder. So if you were scared of public speaking, being forced to get on stage and speak to people for a long time would reduce the fear response to public speaking.

    There are other fears, like death, which facing would probably be a bad idea because the fear is rational. Then there's fears that kids have, like being scared of the monster under the bed or some cliche like that, which are obviously impossible to face because they don't exist :P

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    • hiiiiiiiiiii

      Thanks:) yeah, so it really is somewhat healthy then

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  • Yes. It is very good to do this. I don't understand why so many people let their fears hold them back.

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