Is it normal that i fear babies pregnancy and people who are pregnant?

Is it normal that i have a phobia of pregnancy, babies and people who are pregnant? And is it normal that i despise people who TRY to get pregnant especially people who WANT A LOT of kids?

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50% Normal
Based on 36 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • missyj

    I feel the same way, too. I really don't know why and I don't know if it's normal, but I hope it helps to know you're not the only one.

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    • idkblah1212

      Thanks missyj :)

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  • thegirlknows

    i love babies and when i was about 12 whenever i saw a pregnant lady i always used to smile to her so she could see that kids are nice and she will have a lovely smiling baby

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  • kasket

    I don't think it's accepted in mainstream culture as 'normal', but what is really? I hate children. I purposely lift heavy things and such to aid in my not having children life. My best friend has two; both complete accidents and I think only because they are bat shit crazy and completely opposite of normal children I'm okay with them, but if she gets pregnant again I'm driving to her to the abortion clinic.

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  • idkblah1212

    Well i guess i don't just despise people who try to get pregnant and want a lot of kids in general i guess it bothers me that the ones who are stupid and try to get pregnant and cant even afford to support the kid and themselves i despise. And i know now why i fear all babies and pregnancy... It's because of what happened to my father in high school of him getting a girl pregnant with my step brother and loosing all his hopes and dreams and then he went ahead and planned me and my step sister, but i still don't know why he had more after him and my sister, especially me because I'm not worth his time.( Oh and btw the title couldn't fit commas Mr or Miss english teacher "Unimportant" >:P ) So no it is not normal to hate other people who try getting pregnant it isn't my life or business so I just try to avoid the subject matter because it bothers me. I figure i will just go to get my tubes tied and stick with my partner to avoid further complications.

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  • kkk123

    what the hell do you think they are going to do to you?

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    • thegirlknows

      ikr exactly what i say! a baby is a wonderful thing and they cant do anything! like absolutely nothing! thats why there are parents

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    My fear is that I will be around the woman when she finally pops and I will be expected to... do something. And I know myself. My best reaction will be
    "Holy fuck, uhh... what do you want me to do?"

    And she'll be all hormonal and uncomfortable and she will yell at me and treat me like shit. I probably wouldn't take it personally but being treated like that would probably interfere with my reacting.

    That and I don't want to see a baby coming out of a vagina, considering that I will be expected to appreciate the "beauty" and "wonder" of it all. I don't like being expected to appreciate the "beauty" and "wonder" of a woman being pregnant, period.
    Most pregnancies are unplanned, sorry to say. How am I supposed to appreciate the beauty and wonder of you two rubbing your pathetic genitalia together without regards to the effects it could have on the resulting human being who is totally at the mercy of your obvious stupidity. You bought the 24 pack but splurging on a 6 pack of trojans was beyond your budgeting capabilities? If you're children don't end up being a burden on society they would be a statistical anomoly.

    It's not the kid's fault that they were born to parents that lack critical thinking skills. That doesn't change the fact that they were born into a world in which the odds are against them.

    I don't auto-judge, I'm apathetic towards most pregnant women. But when it become obvious that this was an "accident" and the result of the devaluation of life to the point where two people put their own selfish desires before the lives of their potential future children (by way of not taking preventative steps or just thinking "omg lets hav babby"), I have a hard time being happy for them. I pity their children.

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