Is it normal that i fear cockroaches?
I always get the shivers when I see cockroaches and I'm 20.
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I always get the shivers when I see cockroaches and I'm 20.
Yeah, for real. I'm 20 and I hate cockroaches.
I'm going to start calling them skittle bugs from now on. Cockroach seems like such a prejorative word. I'm sure they are no nastier than the average bug. When I see skittle bugs, I put them in TP and throw them off the balconey. Wow, I feel less afraid of cockroaches.
Yep, sorry folks. I'm smoking weed again. My detox is over.
Really, my father is afraid of cockroaches like me sometimes. But, for me. Sometimes. But, for my father. Whoaaa...
I suppose you wouldn't like the first Power Puff Girl episode.
I don't like them. I can handle them in art for the most part, but if I saw in person, I'd probably panic.
I can't stand most "creepy crawlies". Spiders, camel crickets, you name it!