Is it normal that i fear dying before i get to enjoy a last cigarette
I am a secret (sneaky) smoker and I am dreadfully afraid that I will die before I get to enjoy a last cigarette. I'm only 19 years old. And yeah, well this is my biggest fear.
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I am a secret (sneaky) smoker and I am dreadfully afraid that I will die before I get to enjoy a last cigarette. I'm only 19 years old. And yeah, well this is my biggest fear.
If this is your biggest fear then you either live in a mental hospital OR you have led the most sheltered life imaginable.
If you've EVER had a cigarette, then it's impossible to die without having "had a last cigarette."
You're ALWAYS living in the condition of having "had a last cigarette." You can always choose the timing of the last one, by simply lighting up a new one.
The big problem is ... when does the "dying thing" happen?
Of course, if you keep smoking statistics say that it will happen somewhat sooner.
A bigger issue to ponder might be the idea of dying without having accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Personally, I'd rank that above the cigarette deal.
Smoking has been demonized in this country "If you smoke you will die early" is utter horseshit. Yes some people's lives will be cut short and it can be unhealthy but some smoke their whole lives and live to be old. The overwhelming likelihood is that you will smoke countless more amounts of cigarettes before you even get close to death unless you have a separate fear of meeting an early or unnatural death under less than likely circumstances. Other than that highly unlikely that this fear will come to pass.
I hate smoking I hate the smell it disgusts me ill never smoke. People He is a great example why you should not smoke. Jk but true
There's no need to be this fearful over not smoking a piece of burning paper.... It's not normal.