Is it normal that i fear for my ex's safety?

I haven't seen her in two years now. But one of my friends was talking about her and the area she's living in right now. The area has a notoriously high rape rate. And some of my ex's own friends have had to suffer through it. Even though I haven't seen this woman in years, is it normal that hearing she might not be as safe as I hoped really upsets me? Like... It's seriously put a downer on my weekend, I can barely get it off my mind. She is the only woman I care about enough to think this way. Anyone else have strange worries about their ex's like this?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • nervous1

    dude love is love. i know i probley need an alanon meeting but if you love someone the fact that you are not with them doesnt end your concern for them if we could shut that off so easily we might have mental problems! if there were children involved it wouldnt be wierd right? so you both moved on good but it's o.k. to be concerned. obsession no! compassion yes!

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  • saddeningalien

    Worried about somebody's safety if thet are in area with high crime rate and you haven't seen them for years is normal.
    It doesn't matter if they're your ex or not.
    Had I not been asexual and had a boyfriend whose skull I have not smashed in with a broken brick after he tried to rape me, I would have been worried too.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    You haven't seen her in 2 years... I'm betting this also includes other forms of contact such as email, FB, etc...

    It's one thing to be concerned in general, but to the point where you're freaking out over a random possibility that might never even come true...

    It's suggesting that you may be feeling a bit obsessed.

    Do I worry about ex boyfriends? Not really. I mean if one specifically was in a REAL danger - such as in a city hit by a wildfire - then sure I'd be concerned, but... I'm not going to freak out over "what if" threats. They're all adults. If they can't handle themselves then they shouldn't be on their own to begin with.

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