Is it normal that i fear i'll die before i live into my senior years?

Forever I have Been trapped in my mind, never to escape to the world beyond my swarm of thoughts. And for those who can relate, you should know that the mind wonders a bit. Mine happens to wander to death, automatically, because my my brain and sense of humor are warped. And I always think: Everyone is given an calendar of days, until that last paper is torn off. So how thick is my calendar, my pages to be torn or counted off? It's an inhumane thought, but it pops up in my mind again, yet again. (Note: I am not a suicidal.)

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 32 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • LessieTheDurkenInvader

    You should consider yourself lucky than you have the chance to live 70+ years. As for my kind, we only live 40-49 years and we're old by the time we hit 30. For us Durkens, middle age would be our 20's.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I mostly fear I will be alone in my old age because don't have kids and many people in my family live into their 90's.

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