Is it normal that i fear loud, popping noises?

I am terrified of sudden popping sounds, like popping bubble wrap, balloons, etcetera.
Everyone I know thinks it's hilarious, and when they have the chance to, they take advantage of it to scare me. I've had people chase me with over-inflated balloons and air-filled packaging before.
My boyfriend even put industrial bubble wrap on the floor in front of the bathroom door, so when I stepped out onto it, it made several popping noises, and it scared me so bad I almost cried.
So, guys, is it normal? Or is this an irrational fear? I honestly have no idea, because people think I'm weird when I tell them about it.

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 36 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. I have the same fear. Awhile ago, I had a balloon and somehow or another it suddenly popped. The noise was so LOUD and UNEXPECTED that it scared the shit out of me. I was so jumpy and I felt like my heart would burst. I was paranoid for awhile that I'd hear another loud sound. O_0

    What's not normal is what the people around you are doing. They're being cruel. Try to find better and more understanding people if you can. If they don't change and if you don't look elsewhere, your phobia will continue to worsen. No one should have to be in a situation like that!

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  • yep, normal. just sensitive. no worries

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  • noonebutme

    It's normal, but especially normal if you have a history of a traumatic event, such as a car accident or abuse. In that case it's called hypervigilance.

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  • Snare drums?

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    • If it's sudden, or unexpected, yes.

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  • Oasis808

    Loud noises are pretty intense at times. Just try to ignore it, I mean, there's not much else you can do.

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