Is it normal that i fear of being a bad mom?

So let me tell you my story. I am 17 years old. 7 weeks ago I had sex for the first time with my boyfriend. ( He was 15 years old - don't judge me). He told me he used a condom. Somehow I wasn't sure. I went to the doctor and a few days after he told me that I am pregnant - I was in shock. 17 years and pregnant. How will I tell my parents about that? Before telling my parents I had to tell him. He is the father so he must know about it. I went to his house and told him that I am pregnant. His respond gave me a shock. He started yelling that I am a "whore, slut " and what not.. He told me that the baby wasn't his. Really? not yours? you are my first one! so how can it be? I left his house with tears and went to my home. I told my mom - she started crying , my dad won't look at my eyes and my big brother ( 23 years old) was actually very supportive. So now I am in my 7 weeks pregnancy - My dad still not talking with me, the father of the baby made it clear that he dont want to make contact with me, my mom that I think she ashamed of me, and a big brother that is very supportive and awesome. After the 5th week I started thinking what if it will happen to my child as well? what if I will be a bad mom? Is it normal that I fear of being a bad mom? And FYI I was thinking about abortion but my brother talk me out of it.
So in the end I am sorry for the long post. I had to tell it to someone, I hope someone will help me,

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Comments ( 23 )
  • qld37

    There's nothing wrong with being scared. The first time that I got a woman pregnant, I was 17. She was 15. Her family amazingly, understood that we had a committed life together (sharing an apartment) and never said one negative thing. Yes, she was on the pill. But, she told me later, she'd been sick and not keeping the pill in her stomach.

    A few months later, we lost that baby to natural causes. But, in those few months our heads changed gears. Our lives were turned upside down. We came out of it very sad to lose our child.

    Five years later, we started a family together and had four beautiful children (for those curious).

    My point is this. It's so early in to the pregnancy. A few months from now, that baby will be everything in the world to you. The father may even come to terms with it and beg you to marry him. Your father may come to terms with the fact that he's got a grandchild that he is going to help with.

    Don't think the worst of it. Sure, you didn't plan this. You're not ready for it. Anyone would have wanted you to explore life before you started a family. But in a few months time you will probably love that child more than yourself. Most of us would die for our children.

    And, hey. It's not the end of your life! Remember, your 18 year contract to raise them will end sooner than most and you'll be free to enjoy life by the time you're 35!

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    • PrettyAngel

      Wow thank you very much! bless your family and I wish them happiness. I really want to raise the child and I feel bad for the lost of your kid.. I really hope my child will live

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  • mountain-man82

    Its normal to be afraid, especially if you are so young yourself. Learn all you can about being a mother, get advice from your mom, and lean on your brother for moral support and advice as well. You will have struggles, especially at your age, but in the end I think you'll be fine. Youve already taken the first step in being a decent mother by admitting your faults and fears. Now just work on them and get advice when needed.

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    • PrettyAngel

      thank you so much!

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  • Vanessa_Brown

    Completely normal to be afraid. I was 27 when I had my son and even then I was afraid. If you decide to raise the baby yourself start planning now. Things like support groups (saw a great one called Single Mothers United), finishing school and/or employment. I didn't have family around me for the first three years of my son's life. I can tell you having fellow parents/groups helped keep me sane. I wasn't a single mother although there were times I felt like it. On the other hand if you decide to give the baby up for adoption I think Avant-Garde's advice is great. My mom gave my older sister up for adoption for similar reasons as you described. Although it had a happy ending I don't want to romanticize the choice. In the end it is up to you. You'll know what is best for you when the time is right. The key is being realistic...

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  • Tommythecat.

    "he told me he used a condom, somehow I wasn't sure"

    Hahaha what?!

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    • PrettyAngel

      The condom ripped :/

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      • Tommythecat.

        I thought you weren't sure if he used a condom or not, I was all like didn't you look at his penis and stuffs.

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  • omar123

    I really feel sorry for you ,You're too young to be a mom and I don't think you can handle it, there's a lot of things you have to deal with, have you thought how people will look at you when they know you're pregnant ???? surley they will start to judge you and call you a whore, have you thought how you gonna rise your child????? Do you work and get enough money????i don't think so, have you thought how you gonna live your life after that??? being a mom is a big responsibility and you won't be able to have fun, have you thought how you gonna get married in the future???? Who will marry a girl who was pregnant at 17 years old????
    After thinking of all my questions and considering problems that you're baby will do to you and will affect your life badly, I suggest you should get rid of him, I'm deeply sorry to say that and I know it's hard thing to do, but I guess it's the right thing and move on your life, if abortion was availble, then it's the best thing to do.

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    • PrettyAngel

      I just cant do it. Just cant

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      • omar123

        It's your choice , if you think that you can answer all the questions above with" yes " then you may handle it, just don't regret it in the future

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        • PrettyAngel

          I am really trying to do the best for the child but its so hard for me to think about "abortion" . Its so hard

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          • omar123

            And you think youre son will live a happy life when he knows that his mother was pregnant at 17 and his father didn't want him !!!!.
            I don't think so, but if you can afford to him a good life and if his father changed his mind and helped you to raise him, that will be nice.
            Today,i read an article about a girl who got pregnant at 17 and she decided not to get rid of the child and she was able to raise her daughter by herself and lived a happy life with her daughter so it can be done, just you need to be very strong, are you ??????

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            • PrettyAngel

              I would love to raise the child. Just thinking about having a baby makes me cry..

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  • Americeptionalism

    Everybody is a shitty parent. Think about your parents, your friends parents, etc. Everybody has at least one fucked up story from their youth. All you can do is try not to fuck them up too bad, and to accept that some shit is just going to stick. Don't molest them and be sure to tell them that their shit smells flowery. Beyond that, it is what it is.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Normal to be scared. Give the baby up for adoption. If I am not mistaken, there are some agencies that will actually pay you. They will insure that a loving home that will be able to care for the child gets it. It's the best thing to do if you feel as though you won't be able to care for it. Think about it and good luck. :)

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    • PrettyAngel

      I dont want the child think I hated him :(

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      • Avant-Garde

        I'm sure he won't. If you want, you can make it so that when he becomes of age that he can find you and get to know you. Sometimes, adoption agencies will explain the situation of the reason why the mother gave the child up to whoever is adopting the child.

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  • thegypsysailor

    The father has absolutely no way to avoid paying his share if you live in the US. However, I do not understand why you did not abort this fetus. You are locking yourself into an 18 year commitment (you haven't even been alive that long) to another human being and you are still a child, yourself. Do you expect your parents to support your baby? That's a pretty shitty thing for you to expect of them. One more year and they would have been done with THEIR 18 year commitment to you.
    I suggest you hustle your little pregnant ass down to the nearest family planning clinic and talk to some professionals about your options, rather than this bunch on here. Run, don't walk. You may yet find a way to salvage your life and find a better alternative, than raising your baby yourself, which you are obviously not qualified to do, emotionally or financially.

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    • PrettyAngel

      thank you for the help. I couldn't live with myself if I did an abortion. it's a human being. I didn't expect my parents to support me, but at least care about me

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      • thegypsysailor

        Who do you expect to support you and the child; the government? You are headed down a very rough road and you sincerely need some help asap.
        As for an abortion, you may not be able to get one this late, no matter what would be best.

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