Is it normal that i fear other people are going to choke?

Okay, so I have this really horrible fear that other people are going to choke in front of me. I think this started when I was in grade school and the girl next to me started choking on... whatever we were having that day for lunch. I remember running about trying to find a teacher or something, we were kids so I didn't really know what to do about it back then.

It didn't really effect me all that much back then or for a couple of years until maybe the end of junior high. I went to a concert, and right before I had this brief feeling that I was choking but it was more of 'it didn't go down all the way' feeling. After that my feeling that I was going to choke on everything was present for months, it subsided after a while and I didn't really think about myself choking again. Then I realized something... I realized now I was obsessed with other people choking, afraid they were going to in front of me. My friends know now that the minute they put a hard candy, or a balloon in their mouth they are going to get yelled at by me.

The bad thing is that I probably have that mini panic attack like every day. I think it got worse when I watch my nieces eat something. Gosh! If only kids could eat baby food till they were like 10! Life would be so much easier for me. Anyways, its mostly my thoughts and my fear getting to me, like when people eat hard candy, noodles, suck on balloons, jaw breakers, grapes, or generally take huge bites of food. It's so bad sometimes and I just have to look away when some people eat because my fear of them choking is just too great. When children cough with food in their mouth it scares me so much that I usually don't eat anything after that. It's really sad when I have thoughts like I do, like "Please just don't choke in front of me." And I know I wouldn't be of any help because I'd just freeze in fright and starting shaking if some one actually started to choke in front of me.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to have children of my own some day because of the everyday fear that they're going to choke. I'd have that anxiety with me 24/7 and that's a horrible feeling.

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38% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • me and my old friend got high on pot and he layed back chewing some bubblegum and then he was chocking no telling how long but i happened to look over and seen him so i got him up and i got him to cough it out and the piece of pink bubblegum flew out of his mouth and i could never find it on the floor but i thought he was having a fit from the cannabis we had just smoked and i thought his ass was gonna die i was just sitting on the bed enjoying my high but ever sens then i have cut back on the cannabis alot and that was a scary moment when that happened

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  • Thepilotofepic

    Your a lunatic

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  • iin2want2know

    Are you afraid of them dying or the fact that you might have to intervene? I remember this time I was dining at a Chinese restaurant and I started to choke on some orange chicken. I was so mad after I dislodged the food from my airway because nobody around me tried to help. I thought I was gonna die. Please try getting over your phobia. It could be be the difference between life or death for someone someday.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I think you actually need to see people choke a number of times.

    It would help you get over your fear.

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  • i like your story, maybe get first aid training and research ways to help a chokee, i think if you know how to help it might alleviate some fear

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