Is it normal that i fear other people hating me?

Ok today I kinda realized this today but I hate the thought of someone hating me. Like it makes me anxious thinking if I make someone mad, they'll hate me. I don't know why but I would feel so horrible if someone hates me, it just makes me panic thinking about it. I think this is the reason why I'm too nice sometimes, maybe in my mind I need to please people so they won't hate me and I won't feel horrible?

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80% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • WildUtopia

    Same for me just have confidence in yourself and don't let your thoughts of rejection affect how you communicate with others...say what you feel even if you partially resent if you think you might scare people away...say it...see people's reactions...they may like you for your authenticity...

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    Throughout history, every great man was hated by at least somebody.

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  • griffon26

    It's normal, because I've had this condition too. Luckily 4 years of work in customer service did help me diminish this.

    Perhaps you'd be interested in a short read?

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    You're normal. Try and love yourself and not care about what others think - something which is easier said than done, but I digress ... try!

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  • nAt2017

    Don't worry. You can't be liked by everyone, just like you can't like everyone that you meet. Don't stress out about it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Don't worry too much about it.
    Just so long as you are respectful to others, you'll be fine. People will hate you in this lifetime, everyone has been hated by someone. Hatred is just another expression of internal negativity and there is nothing you can do to silence the negativity within someone else.

    Haters gonna hate.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I feel that way as well. I think its one thing to be nice to people, but its another to let them walk all over you. You don't have to stop being nice, however, don't let people think you are too nice, because if given the chance, they will take advantage of you or take you for granted.

    It really sucks how people can be real jerks sometimes. But you can be nice without completely letting your guard down. And you can even make them think that your guard is actually down when it really isn't, and you still haven't fully trusted them yet. I just think you should watch who you trust.

    But also remember that sometimes theres always someone who isn't gonna like you. Its honestly the sad truth. No matter how nice you can be, there usually is always an asshole that will pick some reason from his arse to hate you. Its pathetic, but its the way life is.

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