Is it normal that i fear prison more than death?

I'm really afraid of going to a federal prison because I keep thinking that really bad things go on there. Like everybody is raping each other and beating each other up. Also the people have a lot of trouble finding a job after they get out. It would also ruin my chances of getting into a graduate school.
If I had the choice between going to a federal prison for a while or death, I would gladly choose death. Is this normal to be this afraid?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 61 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • wigsplitz

    LOL, why fear federal prison?? If you're going to prison, that's the one you want to go to! Typically more white collar crime than violent crime, more laid back, better cells, lower security.

    Examples of common federal crimes:

    mail fraud
    tax evasion

    Federal crimes are not typical, everyday crimes committed by the average criminal.

    State prison is the one you really want to avoid, but are most likely to end up in.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      You beat me to it. I'd bet Bernie Madoff is a much better cellmate than Julio the carjacker.

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  • dappled

    One of my biggest fears is being found guilty of something I didn't do. Not just because the injustice would burn me up but because the claustrophobia of prison would make me ill. I don't mind being in a confined space as long as I know I've got the freedom to get out of it.

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  • After watching a documentary about prisons in the USA, I felt much like you do.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I think it's a legitimate fear. I knew someone who committed suicide because he was given a long prison term. It was deserved, but he would have been tortured in prison and he knew that.

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  • I have actually spent time in prison, and it's not like that really. unless you get involved with gambling and drugs. Stay away from protective custody though, fucking freaks and weirdos in there.

    Only a few inmates get killed in in a whole year in the US. It's actually really uncommon.

    And aslong as you're not a sex offender or child killer you should be ok.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I honestly don't understand why convicted killers fight to be able to be free of the death penalty and live their lives in prison.

    Prison is terrible and I would rather die.

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    • wigsplitz

      In a lot of cases, it's not so much the inmate trying to stop the execution, it's the system. Imagine that. Some refuse reprieve, some waive appeals, but much of the time the system won't let them do so at all, or make it incredibly difficult to do so.

      Also, it's quite unethical for a defense attorney to not fight as hard as he can to save his client from a death sentence. Sometimes that's ALL they're doing, if their client is obviously guilty and they have no defense. In a death penalty case, it's far from easy to just say, hey, kill me.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I know that, but as the defendant I would not allow a defense attorney to make the decision for me and I'd have the right to waive counsel.

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        • wigsplitz

          Well in that case, you should just waive your right to a jury trial all together. Only a unanimous jury can hand down a death sentence, and a judge still has final say. Waiving a jury trial would put you up for sentencing by a 3 judge panel, and the sentence would still be up in the air, it's not like it's guaranteed you'd get death. You'd be strongly discouraged from doing so by the courts, and probably have a very hard time, but you could go that route.

          Of course, that would mean you'd be pleading guilty to the charge, so what if it's a case where you were innocent? Would you really do that?

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            If I were innocent then I wouldn't be considering the death penalty at all. If I were guilty and I were going to get a life sentence anyway then why fight it?

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  • SLAYER1232

    Well with all the rumors about prison who wouldnt take a bullet to the head instead?My point is its normal but not to bust your bubble but it depends on how you would die...I mean i dont want to burn to death or be eaten by ants or something but a bullet to the head or bloodtrocution id take over prison any day!!!

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  • MR>E

    idk about choosing death over prison, but i do have a stronger fear (if thats what you wish to call it)for prison then death

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Well, my advice to you is stay out of trouble.

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  • A-guy-named-joe

    Don't drop the soap

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  • The-Lewis-317

    Yes thats normal, prison is a world of danger, you would have to mix with all sorts of criminals and chances are you will be killed by another inmate or worse anyway, i heard a saying about prison:
    "Forget about how tough you are, on the inside there is always someone stronger and more crazier than you!" - Random guy i met in a bar

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    Just keep your nose clean, and you should be prison time!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Well the same things can happen to your corpse but at least you wouldn't know it. Just sayin...people are sick!

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  • Devyn

    If you ever find yourself in this situation you could just try to get extradited to the UK

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  • It's understandable that you'd feel this way.

    To be in the power of those that hate you is a terrible thing indeed.

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  • Unimportant

    As I don't fear death at all, I'm gonna say yes, normal.

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    • yesnomaybeso

      Why not at all?

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      • Unimportant

        What is there to fear? Death is just the necessary, unavoidable end of a life. I don't want to live forever, so I do not fear death.

        The opposite of death is not life, by the way. It's birth.

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        • yesnomaybeso

          oh right... but still. it would bother me if i had to die now...

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          • Unimportant

            I'd be okay with dying today.

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            • yesnomaybeso

              Well, i guess that once youre dead you dont realise youre dead so its fine...

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