Is it normal that i fear that i will lose my phone out of the window?

When I'm travelling in a car as a passenger and using my phone with the window open I fear that my phone will end up flying out of the window and be lost and/or broken. Nothing even similar to what I fear has ever happened to me in the past so far as I am aware. I am generally quite a logical person and recognise that the only way this would likely happen is if I threw it, but I still fear it. I will now always hold my phone with two hands if I'm using it whilst travelling with the window open.

Is this normal?

Voting Results
64% Normal
Based on 58 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • GeorgeMcBob

    I live in Johannesburg. The biggest danger here is your phone getting nicked through an open window.

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  • CornedBeefAndCabbage

    I think it's normal. Just an irrational fear. I used to have this fear of my phone falling in the water at the lake (and not being able to find it) and sometimes I wasn't even right next to the water.

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  • sugarbunnykat

    I worry about the same thing and always do up the windows first.

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