Is it normal that i feel a sharp pain in my balls when i feel sad?

Title says enough really, it can happen with any degree of sadness but it's most common when I'm basically on the verge of crying. It passes eventually but it just really hurts when I'm sad. I tried googling around this question and didn't find any results for my problem.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • raisinbran

    I usually jab my nuts with a pencil when I'm sad.

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    • Boojum

      I'd just like to say that it's really nice how we can always rely on you to be the voice of reason in this nutty world.


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    • mouldiwarp


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    • awesome

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  • Boojum

    That's a strange one.

    My knowledge of anatomy is limited, but I know the nervous system can behave in weird ways.

    There is a thing called referred pain. Probably the best known example of this is a heart attack causing pain in the teeth and jaw. 'Brain freeze' is another good one: the cold is actually in your mouth and throat, but that stimulates the vagus nerve and that in turn causes the pain in your head. And an injured spleen sometimes causes shoulder blade pain.

    If this is a case of referred pain, I have no idea what part of your physiological response to feeling sad might be causing discomfort in your testicles.

    Alternatively, it could be entirely due to what's going on in your brain when you feel sad. One of the physiological responses to the fight or flight trigger is the testicles being drawn up. If you being despondent is somehow linked to your fight or flight response, maybe there's a signal being sent to the cremaster muscle that pulls up the testicles but this is somehow not working correctly and the muscle ends up cramping.

    All this is just wild guesses.

    I'm sure the pain in that particular part of your body is disconcerting, but if you know from experience what circumstances make it occur and that it will pass, if everything down there is working correctly and if your testicles feel normal when you examine them, then I doubt if this is anything to worry about.

    Bodies do weird things sometimes, and we're not all wired up in precisely the same way. So just because it doesn't happen to anyone else here, that doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with you.

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    • besides that odd pain my balls are perfectly healthy, so if what youre saying is true i shouldnt really be worried. thank you for the response

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    • RoseIsabella

      Is referred pain kinda like myofascial pain?


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  • Clunk42

    Unknown pain in your testicles when you feel really sad? That sounds like a question for a doctor; not a bunch of random strangers on the internet.

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    • true

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  • jethro

    Get larger underwear or go commando.

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    I have had random pains for no reason there like 2-3 times in my life but never was it related to my emotions. I would check with a doctor, but for me sometimes I just feel stinging pain, not just in my balls but like anywhere.

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  • donkeykong716

    I’ve had this happen before, when I was younger, and had a crush on a guy, and felt heartbroken or missing them incredibly, where i was sad and hurting, I felt an ache down there as well.

    Of course, feel free to get it checked out by your doctor

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