Is it normal that i feel angry and depressed all the time at home?

I don't know whats happening to me but i feel frustated and sad all the time. Nothing seems to make me happy. I've lost interest in things which i used to love before. I'm in a bad mood all the time and very rude to everybody. I get irritated very quickly and shout on people especially at home. At school i don't know how to behave. I don't know what to talk about with my friends and ii feel that i behave awkwardly. I'm also having a headache all the time,feeling lazy and loosing my hair. I also have a feeling that i am becoming dumb. Is all this normal for an 18 year old??

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61% Normal
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Comments ( 12 )
  • debbiedoo

    youre just going through a faze. it happens to everyone.. im almost 18 and i have had a few of these. it will pass and life will move on. :) something will happen that will get you out of this. dont worry about it! :)

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    • goingcrazy


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  • SangoNyappy

    You're depressed just like me month ago. You should talk about it with your family or friends I heard it helps even though my own depression just stopped for no reason.

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    • goingcrazy

      my family will nvr listen and friens dont really understand

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      • SangoNyappy

        Yeah this exactly happend to me. I suppose you can try finding some hobby that will keep you busy.

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  • IMustBeNewHere

    I'm the same age as you, as yes, I do have those feelings on some days, most days actually. Since we're so young, it might be normal since we're dealing with new stress and situations we didn't really have to deal with before. Our brains and bodies are changing all the time. It's kind of comforting knowing i'm not the only one who feels like this sometimes, but still, I hope you can manage and carry on.

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    • goingcrazy

      Thank you. Its comforting for me too to know that i'm not the only 1.

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  • azertyderp

    look, i have dpression too. but to help slove the problem, go out and seek help or find a really interesting hobby that you cant stop doing. when i stay home, im sad too. so i got into down hill longboarding. its relaxing and even more relaxing when listening to good music. try something new.

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  • afrodita

    That's me? I'm passing through the same feeling. I'm even losing hair, i'm so tired.

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  • sarber144

    Well there must be something that's bothering you a lot.I understand you I feel the same way sometimes.Just try to be happy. Or try talkin to someone.When I get mad or irritated I sometimes close my eyes and take a deep breath you should try it.Just be happy,enjoy life,go to parties and be with your friends. Hope you feel better.If you ever need to talk to someone I will be here for you. Hope everything gets better.!

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  • spark007

    I just watch TV and get addicted to those really great shows. That helps calm you down. And no one is dumb either. Maybe you just feel that way because you don't study and get bad grades? Or you're not reading that chapter of the textbook so you don't understand the subject you're currently learning?
    I get depressed too, mostly on how many classes I have after school like swimming, tennis, piano, violin, art, softball and volleyball, and all the homework I have these days.
    I calm myself down by remembering how proud I will become in the future when I graduate from a college I worked so hard to get into and get a wonderful job, and be proud of myself for working this hard for the rest of my life. You can think that too, I know you can do it! Your life is a lot better than you think!

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  • NiceKitty

    Journal. Expression is a really helpful form of therapy in this kind of situation [from what I have read]
    Please seek help, it will only escalate from here if you don't get the help you need.
    Don't let the stigma associated with getting professional help detir[sp?] you. It can really change your life.
    Best of luck to you =]

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