Is it normal that i feel constantly watched?

Okay, so I'm 17, and for as long as I can remember, I have felt like someone/some people are watching me 24/7. I leave my windows open all day and night and I sit for minutes at a time just listening to hear them speak or move. I take detours while driving somewhere if a car is behind me too long. I also hear someone/people talk when I'm home alone, so I keep the lights on, lock the door when I shower, and walk through the house to make sure no one is there. I say what I'm thinking out loud when I'm alone so they know why I'm doing what I'm doing, even though I think they can hear what I'm thinking sometimes. My job requires me to run the store alone usually so I have to walk through the whole shop also to make sure. I think any time I'm in a store, someone is watching me on the video camera, and I have to check my car to make sure no one is in there. I was stalked for a month last year by a man, but he stopped bothering me after I called the police, my problems have been apparent far before that incident though. I feel like it's either girls or boys from my school, or a man watching me for personal pleasure (which sounds conceited but that's just how I see it). I have repetitive dreams of having to hide or run away from someone, and daydreams of someone actually being in my house and kidnapping or raping me. It's something I constantly deal with and want help for. I had post traumatic stress after a tragic car accident I was in when I was 9 so I'm not sure if that has any affect on it. Please help if you can.

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40% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    It's the NSA. They record your phone calls too.

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    • Outsider21

      seriously, don't mess with people like that. i have had a good bit of this sort of paranoia and it can literally make your life a living hell. believe me i would know. it's messed up to taunt a suffering person like that and believe me the OP could really be in a state of suffering and inner torment from what he described. imagine going out and feeling like everyone, everywhere is talking about you, commenting on you, and thinking that maybe the government is tracking you and having to live with that fear every day. it's very scary indeed believe me. people who have had difficult experiences often suffer from this as a sort of adaptation

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  • Shadeofblue

    Go to a therapist. Could be Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD), but that would have to be diagnosed (not by yourself, but by a professional).

    Small amount of paranoia are normal, people have adapted to fear isolation and the dark because the people who were afraid weren't eaten by animals. Its a survival mechanism that can sometimes go haywire.

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  • TimmyTheTurtle

    im the ebola monster... and im sneaking up on you... slowly of coarse..... because im also a turtle..

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    • WeirdMe

      actualy turtles can run pretty fast, watch it on youtube..

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  • mcpoopington

    It may be me i follow quite a lot of ppl

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  • MrsEdGein

    Once when my mother and I were walking home from the cinema I had a feeling that I was being watched but when I looked around there was nobody in sight. Creepy.

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  • pixie_dust

    this is what you can do: visualization. Do this several times a day. Visualize yourself safe, happy and secure. Visualize a brilliant, white light all around your area, your house or wherever you are. Imagine the light if Jesus were to appear, THAT light. Do this before you go to sleep. Tell the universe you are safe and in control. Keep doing this. You need to believe in its potential, though. IT's like, if you try to ride a bike believing that you can't ride a bike, you wont be able to, but if you ride the bike believing in your ability then you will. Just believe in your potential and have an open mind. Don't do it thinking it won't work. If you like this, then try doing it with meditation crystals. Go into a metaphysical shop and find a crystal that just feels right to you. Play with it. you have the power!

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  • these thoughts consume your waking and sleeping hours, time to do something about it , you need professional help before it gets worse

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    thatd be obama watchin

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