Is it normal that i feel depressed about not being able to do a kata?

I take Iaido classes. With those of you unfamiliar with Iaido, it's the art of using the Japanese sword, aka, the Katana. In any martial arts, there are these movements or series of movements called kata's. There are 8 total for the style of Iaido called Toyama Ryu. For some reason, I cannot do the second one correctly to save my life, and it makes me feel like the lowest of the low. I feel as though I am not even worthy of simply holding a sword. Should I feel this depressed? Serious answers only please.

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 53 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • sumo

    I'm doing MJER, it's in Melbourne, Australia.

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  • idon'tknow

    I'm also taking martial arts, and I'm honestly considering quitting. Since I broke my leg (in my martial arts class), I'm not even comfortable in class anymore. I can't focus because I'm too nervous about getting hurt. I also can't do the simplest kata. I've got the worst physical co-ordination possible, and I can't follow along, and it makes my frustration shoot through the roof. I'm afraid I can't give you any helpful advice, but I don't think it's abnormal to be frustrated and depressed. Maybe you need to take a break if trying to do the katas just upsets you.

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  • sumo

    Hey, after reading this I decided to take up Iaido too! There's an awesome dojo in my home town affiliated with one in Tokyo. I love it! Who cares if you're not as good as you want to be, when your mind is ready your body will be too. You're certainly better than me at least!!

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    • XHaol

      Hmmm....well the dojo that I go to is Ryokukai...It's run by Katsumi Niikura...he has one in Japan as well. Are you someone from my class?

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  • aussiewolf

    maybe you are just uncoordinated.

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  • DannyKanes

    ^ I've never seen Naruto, everything I'm learning is for real.

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  • DannyKanes

    Practice, practice, practice dude. No one gets it the first time. As long as your consistent with your training, one day you'll go away and suddenly it'll click and you be able to do it. I was the same when I started to learn Dune Da in Kung Fu, there was this move in Dune Da which I just could not do then one day I was driving home thinking about it and BOOM it clicked :-D

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  • Angryblackguy

    Do you guys watch naruto too much?no point intended

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