Is it normal that i feel incredibly uncomfortable around men?

Growing up, I didn't have the best experiences with the opposite sex, to say the least. Hence, I feel very threatened around them. Mind you, this doesn't apply to every man. It's either men who look very strong and athletic or a group of men. I always have to take an alternate route if I see a man/men coming my way from fear that I'm going to get attacked.

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53% Normal
Based on 74 votes (39 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • ProseAthlete

    A certain level of caution around groups of men you don't know is normal. They're bigger than us, and men are statistically the leading cause of injury to women between 15 and 44. It's not normal, though, to let that natural caution grow into full-blown anxiety and fear. When it starts to affect how you live your life, it's time to seek some help.

    The vast majority of men are good people who, if anything, would use their strength to help others. Only a tiny fraction commit heinous acts, which is why those acts make the news. I know that telling you that isn't particularly reassuring because it only takes one monster among thousands of good men to do irreparable harm to your ability to trust, but maybe it's a place to start.

    You don't mention what you've been through before, but you sound as though you're still trying to cope with the fall-out from those experiences. Have you talked to a therapist about them? It could help.

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    • Johnnytherat

      damn i see you type a friggin novel in almost every response of yours lol.. you have my respect xD you really care 4 these random people eh?

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      • ProseAthlete

        You know, I truly do.

        Also, I type super-fast, so even a friggin' novel of a response doesn't take that long to post. :)

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        • Johnnytherat

          lol i type like a monkey pushing buttons xD

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    • I haven't seen a therapist. I haven't felt the need to because although it's an annoyance, it's not crippling.

      For the sake of context, I haven't been sexually assaulted, but I've undergone much verbal and quite a few instances of physical assault, one of which took place in a crowded gymnasium full of children cheering on the boy who was assaulting me with his fists and a CHAIR while the teacher turned a blind eye.

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  • Darkoil

    That is very smart, every guy out there wants to rape you so stay away from them.

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    • I doubt that. I'll be frank with you. I'm pretty ugly.

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      • Johnnytherat

        my D doesn't judge the face only the V :)

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  • hairyfairy

    You should take up some form of self defence, or carry pepper spray or a taser, then at least you`d feel safer.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Makes sense.

    Some people can just look intimidating.

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  • GuessWho

    It depends where in the world you live.

    If you live anywhere on the continent of Africa, then your fear is justified.

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  • Unimportant

    Understandable, if you did have bad experiences with men.

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