Is it normal that i feel like 'hurting' this cat, even though i don't?

I've been at my cousin's house for some months now, and she has a cat. Well, I have never hurt animals and hate animal abuse. The cat is so cute and I pet it daily and it purrs and we like each other. But here's the strange thing that makes me depressed and hate myself. The cat is so 'cute' that sometimes I get an 'urge' to 'hurt' it. Now this doesn't include hitting or slapping but more like 'squeezing' it, hugging it too hard even though I know it'll feel uncomfortable, etc. Once I was hugging it so hard and it was meowing to get away but it made me hug it harder. It's like the 'cuteness' of its face, furriness, and meowing makes me want to 'hurt' it this way. It makes me feel disgusting after and I cry.

For instance, I was in my room just a few hours ago. I heard that cat meowing downstairs, and its meow is so cute and squeaky. It made me want to run to it and start smooching and hugging it but in a way I know it hates. The thing is, when I see or hear human babies I wouldn't ever squeeze it or hug it too hard, but if it's an animal this urge starts happening. It's like I 'don't' abuse animals, yet I 'do'. In another instance, many years back, there used to a be a cute bunny in my front yard. Well, it would visit often and I loved it. Once this 'cruel' thought took over me, I filled a cup with water, went out, and splashed the entire water on the bunny, which got scared and darted away. I now realize it could have died. So, are these feelings of hurting animals and actually doing things I know is bad for them 'normal'? And why is it happening? Thanks!

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 77 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • cocknballs

    Lenny, put the kitty down...

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    • Change your disgusting username. lol and I'm not lenny.

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  • Tgs_I'm_a_big_douchebag

    When I go to my cousins house, I tear her cat up. Not the 4 legged kind.

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  • KingTermite


    Hurting animals is a serious concern, contact a mental health professional.

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    • Yes but my question is, if any of you know, *why* does this happen? Inside, I am a just person who is against any type of abuse. It makes me cry if I ever do *hurt* an animal as mentioned in the original post. So my question is, why is the strange 'urge' appearing in the first place? If I'm a person who hates abuse and understands fairness and good treatment of creatures then why would a cute animal make me want to put it in discomfort? Like WHAT IS THIS BRUH?? Cuz like a cute bird in a tree or an animal out in the wild makes me fall in love with them and I would never hurt them. Yet when the cute cat is living in the same house as me, the urge sometimes appears.

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      • 12eahtsdrateri

        i go threw the same thing sometimes let me know when you find the answer because i am still searching for one because it is concerning me as well.

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      • YikesThisIsEmbarassing

        Truthfully, none of us can tell you why you get this urge, only a professional can - I don't want to sound offensive but it might be worth your while to get some help because although what you're doing now isn't serious if its left umchecked you could accidentally injure an animal beyond repair.

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  • dontlookatmeeveragainokay

    To this day I want to squeeze my cat to death because he is just so cute and cuddly. His meow and purring is just absolutely precious. Now, I never squeeze him too hard, because I don't want to be mean to him. I know how you feel, but spend time playing and being gentle with the cat. Make the cat happy, and you will be happy. I promise.

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    • Sara0303

      Cats are worthless vermin

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      • dontlookatmeeveragainokay

        Sara fuck off for real. You hate cats? Cool. Doesn't mean you need to go to every single post about a cat and troll about how much you hate cats. Like do you have anything better to do with your life other than to sit there and share with the world how much you despise cats? Nobody fucking cares Sara. Unfortunately, there are people that like cats. I'm so sorry. There are people that like Trump and people that like Hillary. Get over it.

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        • LittleGirlRapedAndSodomised#R5

          That's some Hardcore gravedigging right there.

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          • dontlookatmeeveragainokay


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  • Robobro

    This is almost normal. Now I don't do it but I have had an idea to do it. It's a weird habit. If your an adult then I don't know. If you are a teen or below its just a weird habit that will go away. Try to not do it again at all.

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