Is it normal that i feel like i lived a former life?

There's times where I feel ancient and I believe that I lived a previous life here on Earth. I just can't remember anything from that life. Is it normal? Have any of you experienced this as well?

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82% Normal
Based on 39 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • thegypsysailor

    When sailing around Greece and Turkey the first time, quite often it seemed like I had been there before. As we would come up to a headland, I would get a vision of what the bay on the far side looked like and it very often was correct. It was very spooky and unsettling, but fascinating as well.
    In my travels (50+ years of traveling the world on boats of all kinds) I would find myself drawn to places I'd never even heard of. Places I would not normally think of going, but it always worked out to be a good choice and usually a great adventure.

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  • Karmasbitch

    You HAVE lived other lives here on earth.

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