Is it normal that i feel like im in an alternate reality?

When i graduated high school 2 years ago i started feeling like i wasnt in my comfortable universe anymore i grew up in. People look like robots, familiar places look like death traps, old picture of me look like a different person. i dont know who the current me is anymore. i dont even recognize myself. sometimes i feel like im dreaming while awake. i am fully aware this is absurd, nobody around me notices a change in me at all, i just feel different about everything and its disturbing. its like a physical sensation of dispare that i never came close to feeling a child or teen. is this normal in any form?

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52% Normal
Based on 52 votes (27 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Short4Words

    What Deshikd said. Sounds like depersonalization or derealization.

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  • deshikd

    Sounds like depersonalization issues. Talk to someone about it, or look it up. There's lots of advice out there on how to deal with it.

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  • ez-riding

    I feel similar. When i graduated high school and took a gap year to really think about what i wanted in life, everything just changed. Suddenly all my friends were gone, i became horribly introverted, i cut my hair short, i started sleeping a lot (and i mean A LOT) and it was just a huge change from who i was in high school. Everything started the feel 'uncomfortable' like you said, and yes, people also started to look like mindless robots to me. The only thing people noticed that was different about me was that i gained weight (which i suppose is good because i was SEVERELY underweight). Everything just became different and i wake up every morning feeling like I'm living a whole new life that isnt mine. I know exactly what you mean, so you aint alone buddy :)

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  • noid

    I had a bit of that my first year in college too.

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