Is it normal that i feel like people follow me

Like when I'm driving, and someone makes the same turns as me...I think they're following me. Sometimes if the person in front of me is doing the same thing I think the same. Especially if I turn into my neighborhood; I speed off as soon as I realize they made the same turn.

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65% Normal
Based on 54 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Short4Words

    It's paranoid, especially if you aren't doing anything illegal or starting fights with people.

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  • I don't follow you.

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  • suckonthis9

    People ARE following you, almost ALL of the time!

    The US NSA Government Agency, FBI, CIA, Department of Homeland Security, working in conjunction with Pinkerton Government Services, as well as other subcontracted Agencies and Corporations, and some other foreign Goverments, continually follow you wherever you go, whatever you do!!!

    They follow you whenever you go to a Bank, use an ATM or use a Credit / Debit Card.
    They follow you whenever you use a telephone or use the Internet, or have a cell phone (now, whether it is tuned off or not!!!).
    They use a whole host of technology, including but not limited to: video cameras and audio surveillance devices (including the ones on your cell phone / computer), monitoring devices hidden in televisions / radios, automated license plate readers and communication with your vehicle's computer and GPS, as well as very high resolution satellite technology with infrared, night vision and penetrating imaging capabilities, which can see through roofs and buildings. They follow your heat signature wherever you go!

    Of course, they will tell you that they aren't doing this, because it's ILLEGAL!!!
    But by cooperating with their friends in a foreign country, suddenly makes it legal?
    Then they will tell you it's because there's some al-Quaeda guy or bad person hiding behind every bush, tree or building.

    Do yourself, and the rest of the world a favour. If you know who any of these people are, where they live, or where they go, then use their own slimy tactic against them. Just find some lowlife scum to beat the crap out of them!!!

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    • whatevz


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      • suckonthis9

        Please do not use textese where it does not belong.

        Please rephrase your reply in a more or less standard form of English.

        Thank You.

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  • hairyfairy

    When I was younger, I was always having guys following me in the street, but not anymore, thank god.

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  • Phishy

    Stop the crack.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I feel the oposite. Sometimes when I walk home late and there's someone in front of me, I start feeling like a creep. Especially when it's a girl and she behaves like you.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes sometimes i feel like this.

    Only seems to happen when i in the shopes theo/

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  • MysticLane

    Get over yourself, nobody's following you.

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