Is it normal that i feel like things will grab me in my room?
This started last August, I felt like I was being watched in my room. There was this hostile like presence in front of my mirror every night. Then in September, my mom moved my bed closer to the fucking mirror. That's when it started getting stronger, things were falling off of my dresser, at one point I was on my phone in my bed, and things started flying everywhere, my nightstand drawers were flung open, my clothes were everywhere, it was just fucking terrifying. After that, I always felt like I was being watched everywhere I went. The bathroom, even at school. I told my guidance counselor, and she just thought I was insane and told my mom to get me to a psychiatrist. Yeah. But even my friends saw something white floating in the corner of my chorus room. It's eased off a bit but every time I turn off my lamp or something, I always feel like something is about to grab me. It's bad.