Is it normal that i feel scared at night unless my son is with me?
I'm a young mother (17) and i have a small son and he spends about 2 days a week average here at my house, he lives with my sister most of the time. i feel very scared at night by myself but i feel safe and happy when he spends the night here. usually he sleeps with me in my room when he comes over, and i always sleep so peacefully, except when he wakes me up lol. i have insomnia because my sons' bio-father drugged and raped me so im afraid of going to sleep.
is it normal that my son stops me from being scared at night? just knowing hes there with me, and loves me, makes me feel better and i can sleep easier, i wish he could always be with me. :(
is it weird he makes me feel safer, because normally its the child who feels safe when their mom is there but for me its the opposite. i feel like somehow hes protecting me when im with him.
thanks for reading.