Is it normal that i feel sick when i or someone else feels depressed?

I always feel like throwing up when someone is excessively rude to me/tells me they dislike me, when I'm feeling down and depressed or when someone else feels down and depressed. In general, if I or anyone else experiences strong negative emotions I feel sick. I wanna know if it's normal.

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83% Normal
Based on 12 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • bogbrush

    You're just hypersensitive. I put on a facade of 'don't give a shit' but do feel sick when people don't like me. Imagine you are surrounded by a bubble that's protecting you. You sound nice.

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    • ijustwannaknowifimodd

      I always have an 'I don't care' kinda thing going but it's difficult sometimes. I'll try the bubble thing. Thank you! You sound nice too!

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  • Man that must suck

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    • ijustwannaknowifimodd

      Yeah it does. Especially since I try to help people who are depressed a lot so I always end up feeling a bit stressed and tired and sick :/

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  • jbackers90

    Some people think its a load, but to those that experience being an empath, they would not be so inclined to toss the idea out due to experiencing it so much. You are either hypersensitive, or empathic. Just depends on your philosophies of your perceptions on reality and a handful of other variables. Be patient and believe in yourself my friend. Learn how to use that gift of yours to help others. You might often get discouraged due to people you try to help lashing out, but just remember people dont handle helping them face their insecurities very well because its hard for any of us to let go of ego and face the person in the mirror realistically. That pain you feel is either anxiety, a thing called shared neurons ( neuron entanglement maybe? Something like that is the scientific term) or it could be that you literally feel the same pain as those you are around like an empath. Who really knows? Just find peace of mind, friend.

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  • "I hate you, I'm telling mum" blaaaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhhh "dude"

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  • I can’t relate but a lot of times when I’m really happy it’s quickly shot down with a strong guilty feeling then I start feeling like shit wishing I could stay happy. But I think it’s because I’m let down so much which hurts sometimes so it’s like I try not to get my hopes up because I hate being let down. Which is pretty weird but maybe there’s a reason behind yours too?

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    • ijustwannaknowifimodd

      Yeah I've felt like that too :/ I don't know if there's a reason behind mine but I always imagine myself as that person because I've often felt similar and then I remember what it was like for me back then and I feel nauseous. Maybe that's the reason?

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      • That would make sense it’s like you reflect it off yourself.

        It reminds me of like when someone gets hurt and you’ll cringe too as if you feel for them. Understanding that pain.

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        • ijustwannaknowifimodd

          Huh, never really thought of it that way. I guess it's not normal but at least I have an answer for why I feel sick

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would say that it's certainly not uncommon. Are you often in situations where people are rude to you, and you are expected to just accept it?

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    • ijustwannaknowifimodd

      No, not really. I'm not often feeling sick, it's more when a friend of mine says they feel suicidal/hurt themselves/other negative emotions or even when people I don't know comment really negative things. I feel all nervous and anxious and feel bad for or with them. When it's someone I don't know it's not so bad but sometimes I have to move away so that I don't feel sick. If they're talking to me online it's bearable but if it's irl I can't. Does that make sense?

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