Is it normal that i feel sick when i smell that 'black people' smell?

Okay, so first off I'm not racist, at all.

For some reason most (not all) black people have a smell. It's not a bad smell like BO, but it's not easy to ignore because it's strong. I think it comes from the hair. I've smelled it on both sexes and it makes me sick just from the strength. The same thing happens with some perfumes, but that black guy/gal smell is particularly strong and offensive to my nose. I can get dizzy and occasionally I'll throw up. Does anybody know what this is, or have the same reaction?

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Comments ( 70 )
  • iEatZombies_

    Yeah uhhh, whites have a 'smell', too.
    Btw, it's the chemicals they use for their hair that's such a strong smell. Not them.

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    • Thats all I was asking. If it's a hair product or what. I didn't know exactly what it was, but it was associated with black people in my mind since I've only smelled it on black individuals. :/ Guess I should have worded that better.

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  • Eternal_Wisdom

    have you heard the "white people smell like like a wet dog when they get caught out in the rain" stereotype yet? there's plenty of dumbass racial stereotypes out there. let's not compete and see who can bring up the most silly one though. that'd be one long competition.

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  • BurnaBaby27

    Not to start some sort of online bullshit argument, but you OP, must admit that this post is extremely ignorant. To be completely honest, some of the most disgusting people I have ever met were white. Not to say all white people are dirty. It really all depends on where you're from and what you're exposed to. I've seen some disgusting people of every race. I would never group anyone together and just make some ridiculous over-generalization.

    Anyone who doesn't take care of themselves properly will not smell pleasant. For one, considering black people have different textured hair than other races, washing their hair everyday will cause damage resulting in their hair falling out. Their hair is dryer, so "grease" / oil does have to be physically put back into the hair to retain moisture. Greasy hair on black people 9 / 10 times means it's clean. Since blacks can not wash their hair as often as they would like, it acts like a sponge at times. Any food they have cooked, especially fried, that day will be able to be smelled in their hair, so a mixture of food may also be what you're smelling. It needs time to air out. The time it takes for their hair to dry and be styled is also a big factor in why they can't wash their hair more often.
    Enlighten yourself.

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  • pickleJuice2020

    Everytime I hear someone tell me I smell like black people.. I want to pick them up and shove them out a window.. xC
    Seriously? Black people don't have a "smell".

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  • Moody2P

    I think it's funny how a lot of black people get all crazy and accuse white people of being racist. But black people think they can make jokes about white people all day and it's not considered racist... Get the fuck over yourselves we're not in the 19th century anymore -.-

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    • Eternal_Wisdom

      i see whites complain more about blacks being racist 100x more often then i see blacks actually being racist LOL.

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      • IsItNormal??

        black people can't be racist.It's impossible

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        • ItellaKnowlys

          Wow you are an idiot! Such an ignorant statement. Any person of any race can exhibit racism or commit acts of racism. Just because one is a minority doesnt not mean they cannot be racist. Racism is intolerance of another race, whether its verbal or physical, internal or external. Viewing another race as inferior to your own is being racist. Some may call this reverse racism but that isn't even accurate. If you still don't think black people can be racist against whites, consider an area where whites are the minority or consider a black person being racist against a person of Asian descent. Just because in popular culture and the general consensus is that black people are considered the ones to be targeted, they can still be racist towards others. What an idiotic statement- blacks cannot be naive...just saying.

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      • blondbond69

        Lol blacks run around stinking up entire areas and squealing "niggah " this niggah that rolling up blunts and hating on whites.u stay on ur hate grind for what's erryday day so shut the fuck up n get back to eating some oat meal or whatev before you decided to hop on this page and drop hate! P3ac3

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        • Eternal_Wisdom

          I'm not even going to bother dissecting you and your weak argument.

          BTW! grammar or no grammar.. what you typed actually made NO sense LOL!

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          • blondbond69

            I didn't ask you to dissect anything nobody was talking to you. Wasn't an argument its what I'm saying get over it. I'm sure you stank and that must be why you're all butt hurt over this silly thread buhbye stankerank.

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    • Lomns

      Yup. And thanks to law we can get away with it too! We Won't get in trouble for calling you white crackers and shit but ss soon as you guys make a racist comment the media and news is all over your ass. Haha, dont be mad bitch!!

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      • WhitePower

        But you still stink

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      • Moody2P

        Calm down and go pay your child support...

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    • blondbond69


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  • m.a.s97

    You're probably imagining it. I highly doubt one race has the same smell.

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    • It could be a hair product. My half black nephew had no 'scent' to him until my sister started putting a type of bee's wax thing on his hair to keep it from afroing, or to make it easier to cornrow.

      Like I said, it's not EVERY person of that race smells.

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  • boobookittyfuk

    Most racist comments start out with...... "Okay, so first off I'm not racist, at all."

    You forgot to include that you have black friends. Get your chit together!

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  • Juliejules

    I've always noticed that (to me, anyway) black people definitely have a smell that is off-putting, to say the least. I live in a mostly white suburb and take a lot of cabs. About 70% of the taxi drivers in my town are black. Whenever I get into a car with a black driver, I have to open the window because I get nauseated from the smell. However, I never smell that same smell with white cab drivers (even if they don't look like they've showered recently). On the subway, the same thing happens. The other day, I knew a black person had got on the train because I could smell him; sure enough I turned around and there he was. Why is this? Why do blacks smell different? I have a keen sense of smell and even base my relationships with boyfriends on what they smell like. I have always dated white men. There was one particular man whose smell I loved; however, none of them had smells I hated. What's up with that?

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  • water223

    It's the smell of our hair after it has been straightened.I guess for the guys it's just their hair products.

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    • Ah, okay. I just really wasn't sure, like I've said before. It's just something that I can really smell (sensitive nose) and it really does make me sick. :/ I was just wondering if other people had the same reaction to that strong scent, or if they could tell me what it was, lol! n.n I think I know a lot more about what it is, though I don't think I can ever stop being sick by it.

      The same thing happens when any girl in the room has on too much perfume, or burnt popcorn, and some fruits will even set me off. I think it's mostly the really sweet smells that get to me.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    My Mom once told me that most of the latinos that she knows can not stand black people.

    She said she asked one of her employees why one day, and their response was "They are lazy, they don't want to work, and they smell. It's like, their SKIN has a bad smell..."

    Maybe you're smelling what my Mom's employees are smelling ^^;

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    • Eternal_Wisdom

      i hope your mums employee falls and breaks her jaw on a curb. doesn't your mum even care that she has an ignorant racist for an employee? i find it more shocking because it's a minority saying that crap.

      to say a whole race smells bad is incomprehensibly unintelligent.

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      • Well if a minority said it, it must be true.

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      • Flippyfloppy

        Yea just like saying there skin is completely different color...impossible

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      • Lomns


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      • NeuroNeptunian

        There's a major racial issue in that town between the immigrants and the native African-Americans. The African Americans have a "they are taking our jobs" mentality towards the immigrants and they live in the same "ghettos" so to speak so there are many violent hate crimes committed from both parts.

        My Mom has to be very careful when hiring African Americans because the racial tensions between both races tend to ignite in the workplace, generally insinuated by the African Americans.

        It's a horrible environment for racial tensions. This story just made me think about that. And no, she doesn't care much, the racist views don't affect the performance of the hispanic employees, but it does majorly affect the performance of the African American employees, which is why my Mom understood why she felt that way.

        It's a tough place, that town. It's very easy to criticize a situation from the outside, but being that there, it's difficult to understand but some people do let their opinions of races be affected by bad experiences. It's a difficult concept for people outside of said areas to understand but it's cool. Wishing bad things on others instead of wishing that they would realize that their hatred is absurd and would learn tolerance TOTALLY is a good thing to do.

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      • Saying that someone should be seriously injured just because they voiced an opinion is incomprehensibly unintelligent.

        You are sick, and you need help.

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        • Eternal_Wisdom

          saying an open racist should hurt themselves is sick? i don't think so. that racist opinion is sick if anything. if you don't understand why i said what i said & think it's incomprehensibly unintelligent then you're the one that needs help LOL.

          the "its just an opinion" phrase crosses the line when it becomes racist and hateful. what i said about that person was "just my opinion" but you still felt it was out of line didn't you. opinion or not i think some things should be left unsaid.

          p.s i find it strange you haven't got a bad word to say about those racists yet go out of your way to target me. interesting..

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          • Seems as if my post was hidden from lurkers (surprise, surprise), so I'll try it again, as I really do have something to say.....

            You ******-loving liberal airheads sure are funny critters.

            Look, I'm going to make this very simple for you. Contrary to popular belief, "racism" is NOT a big deal. I mean, so someone has strong views regarding a particular race, so WHAT??? Bigotry and discord will always exist in the world; it's very natural. Do yourself a favor and GET OVER IT.

            And you know what I find rather strange? How people like you react with violent fury on subjects like this, while completely ignoring anti-White racism (which just so happens to be epidemic these days). Why's that?

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          • Flippyfloppy

            People are racist because you people don't know how to act and most of you always want something.for nothing, and when you people group up your out of control

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            • Eternal_Wisdom

              it doesn't matter about the good black people to "you people" you ignore the good & only focus on the bad. i've met plenty of white scum bags who don't know to act. what's so difficult about judging INDIVIDUALS fairly?

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    • Flippyfloppy


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    I'm starting to get a bad vibe from this site. I'm black and i use the same products most people use like axe, gillete, old spice and no one has ever said that i smell. I think i'm going to stay off of this site for a while. It used to be fun but people are getting so ignorant.

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    • I'm not being ignorant. Honestly I'm not going around saying 'all black people stink!'

      It's a thing I've noticed, only a smell (like a perfume), coming from a large number of black people in my area. Most had Cornrows or some sort of 'gelled' style, which is why I think it's a hair product. I think I've seen it with my sister and her boyfriend, but I never knew what it was until I smelled it. Already said it's not BO or some stink emitting from your skin. It's just like a strong perfume. Like a hair product thats special for black hair. I haven't smelled it with shaved, dreadlock, or natural hair.

      Seriously, when I can smell a guy before he comes into the room there is something going on, specially when the same scent comes from the same people of a group. If it were just men, I'd say men. Just women, I'd say women. It's just an observation that I made. If you use the same products as everyone else then chances are there's not a difference. If you put something special in your hair, that would be a difference.

      Also, Ignorance is not being able to learn about something. So if the site is ignorant it's probably because it's 'Taboo' to ever talk about the differences between races. I seriously don't know what the smell is. When I ask tons of people smear me as a racist on a simple observation. I'm not seeing they are black and getting sick. I am smelling it before they walk in the room and by the time someone with the stuff wherever/whatever is right by me I can't take the smell.

      I don't see how it's racist to ask a question about some possible product that may be made for black skin/hair only that is commonly used.

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      • Flippyfloppy

        It's not, e end if you did have a.racist question, that's what this site is about asking anonymous questions to see if its normal racist or not

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    • Shonnashayshay

      Hmmmm yummy..

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    • Shonnashayshay

      I want to see whatu look like..if I still get on ..I love a chocolate man

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    • Good riddance. If you're that thin-skinned, than maybe taking a while off would be a good idea.

      Seriously, it's an observation; what's so "ignorant" about it?

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  • LooksLikeLove

    The smell you are referring to is either chicken, bananas or cocoa butter but probably all of them mixed together!

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    I've noticed that many of the really dark black people have a "stank" odour. I don't know what it is, but it can be quite bothersome sometimes. I don't notice that smell with the lighter-skinned black people.

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    • LooksLikeLove

      This is because the "darker-skinned" blacks are direct descendants from gorillas and whoever heard of a pleasant smelling monkey? So I suggest you take your racist comments elsewhere, thank you very much!

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      • Flippyfloppy

        Direct descendants lol

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        Over-sensitive cunt.

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        • blondbond69

          Dont refer to yourself that way......harsh

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          • NocturnePonyFan

            How am I over-sensitive you idiot? Let me guess, you're a woman? Figures.

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    • blondbond69


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  • ThatChick28

    I know what u mean!!! And ya I think it's their hair! It gets all oily and gross x.x...idk how no body has agreed w/ u on this one...I thought everyone knew they had a smell...haha oops...but don't worry! Very normal! Just like super authentic Asians have a smell and so do mexicans...haha...

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    • dramallama

      White people are the no nes with greasy hair dumbass thats why they have to constantly was that stanky musty shit

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    • Lomns

      Feel so sorry for people like you.

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    • Lol, start up a race based perfume shop. 'Over here we have that black person smell, over here is the spicy mexican scent, and of course we have Asian delights! Buy two and get a free Obama scented perfume free!'

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Obama perfume?

        What... perfume that's mandatory for all, and paid for by tax payers?

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        • XD No idea. Was just a joke 'bout people scents. I don't have much of a thought process for them.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            i was making fun of obama's dumass healthcare insurance plan... where everyone has to have it and the taxpayers foot the bill

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  • amanda_hopper

    My boyfriend is black and his hair smells like throw up. He smells it also. It really smells strong after he showers. I had another black male friend that had me braid his hair after he showed and same thing. It smelled just like vomit. I don't know why their hair stinks but I still love my boo

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  • Usernameplus

    Chemicals being released through the skin and hair will give blacks this special scent. Black men have a very sexy smell. Especially after receiving a haircut or shape-up, when chemicals are being released the most.

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  • Eikinkloster

    Yes, it is normal. There is a "after smell" that will be there no matter how much they bathe and apply deodorant. I noticed it dating black girls. It's always the same smell, only varying in intensity, and depending, apparently, on how much black ancestry the girl got. I picked it up even in girls who weren't obviously black. I remember one whose father was mixed, the mother was white, and she had a nice smell. The sole exception to the rule. I guess she got lucky and got the white part from both parents regarding body odor. I googled it, and it's related to the density of apocrine glands. Blacks have the most, Asians have the least, Whites in between.

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  • chrisd

    Blacks and whites have different chemical make-ups in their body so that may explain why the smell of back people makes you feel like throwing up although I think you may be a bit hypersensitive to their smell given your reaction. Whites probably smell the same way to blacks that blacks smell to you. I don't think you're a racist but I think some of the comments by others here are racist and extremely ignorant.

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  • iamflight

    im black and i agree with the smell but its only some of us not all and i think the smell is caused by being in a house that smell like food
    some of us do eat alot greasy foods so that is most likely the problem

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  • Snoozer

    I can't stop laughing.
    Black people have a special scent now?

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  • blondbond69

    Mistake. Happens all the time

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  • blondbond69

    Black people stink like decay. Its not their gell or products. They just give off a dead carcus odor. They tend to shower left because their "hair" can't get wet. It makes me close to throwing up too but I hold It in when I'm in public.whites never seem to smell I'm 19 yr old girl and not a spot on my bod that don't reek flower goddess and when guys southern dine on me the think it smells and tastes like peaches n cream. And no need to defend yourself to these sensitive blacks,theres a white hate epidemic currently directed towards us from the backs. <3

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    • nowhereboy

      Cant ever imagine why the blacks would hate on the whites? WHat with nice people like you setting a good example n all.... DICK.

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  • anti-hero

    Personally I love the smell of co co butter. I use it all the time.

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  • nowhereboy

    I dont tend to go around sniffing people. However its hard not to notice that most pakistanis stink. It is a unique smell aswell....

    That doesnt make me a racist. It makes me a realist...

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    • I have a sensitive nose. I can smell what my neighbors are cooking from my room across the road. XD It doesn't take much scent to overwhelm me.

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