Is it normal that i feel so low in myself when around girls i like?

I'm quite an over thinker and I am secretly very insecure about my body in fact I despise it although I try to hide this from my friends and family. Basically I found out this girl likes me and I'm meeting her in a party on Saturday. She's like my dream girl she's beautiful and a very nice person but I'm terrified that my negativity will slip out and ruin things. I've had one long term relationships and a few dates with other women but while making an initial good impression my self doubt and insecurity ruins things. I can't understand what they like about me and it depresses me to think I'm not worthy of their affection. Are other men or women like this? How do you overcome it?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Sailor_Cosmos

    The media strikes again! We are constantly hounded by images in the media about what the perfect body should be like when really only a very small percentage of people actually look like that.

    A lot of people dont realize how men can suffer from poor body image as much as women can. Let me let you in on a little secret...just like men, women have their sexual preferences. My boyfriend is a tall dude, he is in good shape, but he cant see, to completely get rid of this thin layer of body fat on his abs. But what I keep telling him is that I love it! I love the way it feels he feels more human and natural that way. I dont need hard wash board abs against me. It not something I like or need my man to have. Some women may disagree with me,but that just my preference. You obviously must have some kind of sex appeal or else you would be able to get anyone! And sex appeal isnt always about just looks its has to do with personality as well. I'm sure you're a decent looking, nice guy who is just being too hard on yourself. Remember that you dont need to look like a male model to get women! Just be yourself and have confidence! There is nothing sexier than confidence!

    Good luck!

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  • pantychaffe

    Dude, smoke a blunt, you will rock. Be chill in yo thrill (seeking)

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  • Avale mes couilles grosse pute

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  • DavidDash

    Everyone is a bit insecure about themselves, especially when it comes to a crush, love interest. I had the same problem. My advice, going to a party? then get drunk!!! That'll give you the initial confidence and if you hit it off with her you're in the clear. She already likes you so cant be that hard.

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  • KikeRoachMotel

    Eh... On the real... I have this same problem... Only thing is I don't let it slip out (to the best of my ability) . Do that and you should be fine... Over the years you'll gradually gain more confidence too if you just stop giving a damn. Wake up with two damns... Go to sleep with two damns.... Yup give none in a day... Just like when we kill Palestinian babies. Yeah but back to the subject.... Don't worry about you... She already LIKES you so stop being a seething ball of insecurities and just do the damn thing... Oh and DON'T DRINK AT THE PARTY... Then all your emotions will come out and you'll cry all over her shirt as you're vomiting... Don't smoke any weed either you'll get MAD PARANOIA and then slap her in the tit 'cause you think she's a cop!

    Remember... We plotted the murder of Jesus, so the Roman's didn't have to!

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  • You don't think you're good enough for her. I get the same way. It helps me to remember that she's no better than me, she's a human too. I deserve anything I want, including her.

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  • randomthoughts

    Try and think about all the positive things about yourself rather than focusing on the negative, may help in situations such as yours.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Its a horrible thing to question your selfworth. Unfortunately you are the only one that can turn things round.

    Hope you feel good about yourself and things work out.

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