Is it normal that i feel suffocated by the night?

Basically, whenever I go outside at night in the winter, I feel like the darkness is physically reaching down my throat trying to choke me. I can feel it pressing all over my body and recently I've started hyperventilating when I've gone outside. I live in the UK, so the winter is long and dark. Is this normal? Should I be seeking professional help?

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28% Normal
Based on 80 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Sensate

    less sunlight can lead to depression. Depression and anxiety (hyperventilating = panic attacks) go hand in hand.
    Go see a doctor about the anxiety. There's medication that does wonders, but simple sun therapy might be enough for you (you should consider getting one of those sun lamps.

    One other thing you could consider is claustrophobia. I knew someone who'se claustrophobia could be triggered just by wearing a thick layer of clothes. Claustrophobia + darkness + winter clothes + winter depression (lack of sunlight) can be a pretty potent combo

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  • SHAKEStheClown

    No one ever expects a clown to step out of the fog in the chill of midnight's depths.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I feel the same way about daylight in the summer here in Las Vegas,

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  • OCDC

    I'd say it's normal to perhaps feel a little uneasy being out at night (it can be dangerous, after all). But if it's causing you to hyperventilate, then you should definitely seek help.

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  • Short4Words

    I think you should, I live in Canada where it's notoriously cold (not that cold) and yes some winters suck, and I get depressed but I never felt like that.

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