Is it normal that i feel that i have to be mean?

I'm a really nice person, and I love talking to my friends. I'm truthful to everyone & don't sugar coat things.
But for some reason, I feel like I have to be mean to everyone that isn't close to me. I know it's bad and it's not gonna help me gain friends. Am I just in a defensive mode or something? Gahh, it's annoying.

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Comments ( 24 )
  • You seem like a dick.. I would beat the living shit out of you.

    Mean enough?

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    • detroitlove81

      You were not smart enough to direct that at anyone but if its me you're after, you assume correct dummy; I am a dick. And you barking behind a keyboard about whoopin ass proves you're a joke.

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      • I posted this comment once before and you had it removed. I waited a while, gave you the time to grow a pair, then posted it again. You're reply proves you're a joke. Its disappointing.

        You are nothing but a pussy. You know it.

        You have no idea how much I could have re-arranging your face. Try me, pussy.

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        • detroitlove81

          awww're the loser who needs attention arent you? lololol. you walk around trying to be all mary poppins and little shrew lol. You get all irritated cause people dont talk to you lol. I'm guessin you're about 5'8, mmmmmdefinately bout 390. 3.5 inch pecker and married to a miserable woman who's friends keep telling to leave you? That about right? Probably so. You're already stuck for life with your punishment. No need for me to make things worse. The battered ugly loser in you read my comments, WAITED DILLIGENTLY and bothered to reply. You really are a loser but i enjoy batting you around like a ball of yarn. keep em comin Shrek!

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          • *Yawn

            Still a pathetic pussy. I couldn't get past your ellipsis. Your retorts get worse with each reply. A sign of me edging away at your already diminished ego, no doubt.

            I like coming across people like you. You talk shit but can't back it up. Thats why I'd like to mess you up [Mean Enough?]. You ARE nothing but a pussy.

            And you know it.

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  • Xenophobia,Its the fear of strangers. In all honesty I don't blame you. I'm kind of the same way. I mean I don't put my guard up around my friends but everyone else I do and thus act like a creep, not really a jerk. I'd say your normal.

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  • psm45

    Your probably just insecure or something. I'm the same way, I just ignore people

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  • alv1592

    Just because you don't know someone well doesn't mean you should be mean. Don't you want to make new friends?

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    • detroitlove81

      Personally, i dont think its "mean" to not want to talk to some strange person. Furthermore, no i dont want any more friends and if i did, i wouldnt be looking for them next to the tomatoes at the store. I mean, people usually give off cues to lead someone to know how to treat them. What's rude is when those cues are not respected and some panzy sees fit to force themselves on the person who prefers solitude. What's wrong? Dont you wanna MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS... lololol

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      • jorddd

        These bitches take the internet too seriously.
        Fuckem if they can't take a joke (:

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        • detroitlove81

          Yeah seriously lol. I'm over it...

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  • xCol

    I think you just want to seem strong... Some people think being mean is a way to protect themselves from other mean people or from seeming weak, but it won't protect you from people gossiping about your behavior behind your back, trust me. :/

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  • DavidS.

    your not really explaining why you need to be mean...if you are afraid of people...then you need to trust yourself could be nice to people but if someone trys to take advantage of you...then you can assert can actually be nice and strong at the same fact meanness is a sign of weakness...also you could be mean to the wrong person and regret it..

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  • LordHawHaw

    I utterly dislike people like you, there is nothing that ruins my day more then a person being rude for no reason.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      mean people suck!

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  • detroitlove81

    I think that people are just too damn needy. So I was at my favorite grocery store at the deli getting my meats and cheeses, you get the picture. This woman... short energetic annoying ass woman was singing out LOUD to the music and DANCING. Then every sample slice of her damn salami that the guy cut was wrong... too thick too thin and at first she said " iam not really picky so whatever you give me." I walked away because she was so irritating. and i knew that she was going to be annoying before she spoke. making looks at me as if to say I'm really cool so stand closer. Anyway, i walk back over with chips and she says " are those on sale?" so rather than saying oh i am not sure i just shrugged and never even LOOKED at her. Then she made some comment about something or other and i walked away. She dropped her jaw and sucked air as if to say how rude!!!

    Now it may have been rude true enough but whats so bad about me not wanting to talk to her? GO AWAY! now the people that work at the market think i am funny, and even handsome ( so they say) and they REALLY got a kick out of me treating that annoying ass woman like a terd. When i told a friend of mine about it he bantered on about how mean i am but whatEVER!!! Not my fault that woman was trying to make friends and small talk. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU. deal with it... damn...

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    • jorddd

      Thanks for that story, I'm glad I'm not the only one, lol
      Everyone is saying "ur immature!!!" It's not that at all..

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      • detroitlove81

        Jorddd, you have to know that the people posting that are the people who go around begging for attention. You see, anybody who needs complete strangers to befriend them at grocery stores etc are completely losers. Now, if they want to point the finger and say that you are immature because YOU have enough friends and dont want them all in your space then let em... remember IT WILL NEVER DAWN ON US TO CARE LOLOLOLOLOL. Its like go away!!! I didnt add enough energy to my battery to entertain you ya loser.

        I hate that... " you have such a nice smile but you always look mean." HOW IN THE SHIT DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL I ALWAYS LOOK LIKE? Quit looking at me and you wont notice it. Hows that? Why is it so hard for people to get the cues that you dont want to be bothered? Beats me...

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        • jorddd

          hahaha, you're the shit :D

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          • detroitlove81

            thanks.... but dont be mean to me LOLOL

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            • jorddd

              LOL I won't because you aren't an annoying lady at a grocery store (;

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    Only be mean or sharp with people when they deserve it.

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