Is it normal that i feel the need to mastubate several times a day?

I must do it when I wake up, before bed, whenever I go to the bathroom at school, work, sometimes at other peoples houses and throughout the night when I go out... Normal? Problem?

Normal 11
Go get help 21
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Comments ( 6 )
  • mcbeats

    Calm it down bro your gonna go blind..

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  • Dozis

    You are an orgasm addict. It's not a joke it's an actual addiction. When you jack off you get a rush of endorphins and other endogenous drugs as I like calling them,making an addict out of you. It's relatively normal for a guy to be always up for sex but you developed what could be defined:an anxiety based sexual compulsion. Basically there are a lot of arousing situations in your life causing anxiety because you never really can act on the thoughts you get in your mind when you see something turning you on. So you feel like rubbing one out and fast to get relieved of both anxiety and of course your boner. If it doesn't cause any distress to you or people around you then it is fine. But know that kind of thing can easily turn into an aggressive type of sexuality. Meaning:you'll hit too hard on a lot of people,often in a very inappropriate way, then it all depends on the responses you'll get. If they shit on you then your likely to get frustrated and withdrawn,if you find yourself amongst open minded people who do not give you an hard time because of it and let you talk about and express your sexuality the it comes natural to you,it will probably settle down. Sex linked anxiety is a common thing amongst people who received a certain kind of indoctrination and still live their sexual urges as a dirty all nasty thing. But of course believing so does not really make their libidos any weaker. All the contrary actually.

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  • LightningTechnician


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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Force yourself to have a break from it and you may feel better.

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  • LightningTechnician

    I'm just gonna vote "Go get help" for lulz.

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  • dinz

    Is there nothing else you can't do to get it out of your head?

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