Is it normal that i feel this way?
Like I don't even know if I want to have kids now. I just saw a video of a guy testing out targets new transgender bathroom rule. He basically pretended to be transgender In order to see just how flexible the rule is, and so he asked the manager if it was okay to use the women's restroom. The manager basically said that he didn't even need to ask, he could have just walked right on in to the bathroom.
I honestly don't feel very comfortable with this. How in the world can I make sure my future daughter is safe if things like this are going on? Would the same apply to me for walking into the women's restroom with my daughter and standing out side of the stall door?
Makes no sense if you ask me. This world is focusing on all the wrong things. We could be further progressed right now as a world all together, but instead were focusing on simple stuff like transgender bathroom rules and a higher resolution cell phone. :-: I feel stuck in a dark hole. Stuck in a world that I can only progress with, and not without.