Is it normal that i feel this way about trichotillomania?

So I have had trichotillomania since I was 11 I'm 21 now and it's been killing me and making me lose out on a lot of stuff. I never had a boyfriend probably due to this disorder. I'm insecure about it. I feel like I probably don't have friends cause of this reason. I feel like they probably think I'm ugly, weird, and can't take me serious. Whenever people go near my hair I flinch cause I don't want them to touch my hair. I don't want them knowing it's a wig and I don't want them to accidentally pull it off. I can't even go on fast rides or have fun or go outside while it's windy cause I'm scared my wig will fly off.

I've pushed away every guy that's gotten close to me cause I was scared he would find me weird. I get jealous cause my little sis has a lot of friends that are around my age. I have a feeling it's because they think she's cuter cause she has long beautiful hair. I always compare myself to others thinking they're pretty and I imagine letting my hair grow out. Yet I have my times where I'll stop pulling for a couple days then I'll pull again sometimes from the urge or without even thinking. I always keep my wig on. I feel less ugly with it on and I'll never take it off if I have company over. When girls talk about makeovers and styling hair I'll feel envy. I'll even stare at girls hair and wish that was me. I feel like if I had hair my social anxiety won't be so bad.

I used to cry before going to school cause of anxiety and feeling ashamed every morning when I was in High School. I've had met guys I actually thought were my soulmate online but never met them cause I was afraid of them not liking me or thinking I was weird, ugly due to my short hair. It's so short it doesn't even pass my fingers. I hate knowing a girl could throw her hair up and leave the house and not give a care. I hate knowing a girl can take a shower and feel pretty and go out with wet hair. It takes much more longer for me since I have to wear a wig. I have to take my wig off to shower and wait til my natural short hair dries and then brush it out and make it look as natural as possible.

I hate having to always wear it up since this wig has dried out and doesn't look real anymore. I envy girls with long shiny soft hair. I wish I had that. I just wish I could stop pulling my hair but it's so hard. Everyone tells me to just stop. It isn't that easy. If I could stop I would of stopped already. Why would I keep doing something that hurts me and makes me feel ugly? That's one thing I can't stand to hear from someone. Why is it so hard? I feel like I ruined half my life. Soon I'll be old and wrinkly with gray hair. I'll be already possibly bald. During your teen years you're supposed to have fun. I just wasted it alone, being an introvert and being away from people cause I was afraid of being judged.

I never fit in anyway people just ignored me. They still do. I think if I had long hair I'd feel better with myself. The only thing that'd hold me back is my body. But right now I have my hair problem which causes a lot of anxiety, over thinking, and me being insecure. Anxiety possibly triggered trichotillomania. I've had so much stress in my life. I'm surprised I even am the way I am. People online always say I'm beautiful and I'm awesome but then the people that are actually in my life always ignore me. They think I'm weird. I feel like if I can't be treated nicely by my family than no one will accept me.

I hate myself and I hate the way I look. I hate going out in public knowing everyone has hair I get really insecure and feel ashamed. There are no medications or cure for this. Only yourself could change that but it's an neurological disorder. I heard they can give you antidepressants but I don't think that'd work. I just wish my hair grew back in like 2 days.

I wish I could leave the house without worrying if my wig looks fake or any tracks are showing. I hate having company cause sometimes I want to take my wig off. I can't go swimming in the summer time cause my wig will get wet or fall off. My wig sometimes gives me headaches cause they can be tight. Sometimes my head gets hot cause of wearing the wig 24/7. I sometimes even get scared people will notice it's a wig so I'll wear a hat or hoodie just so people won't notice. Sorry for ranting but I hate this disorder so much. Can you relate? I could go on for days :\

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Comments ( 17 )
  • chained_rage

    Wow.. this is so sad.

    You know what? I wanna see you be brave, okay?
    Throw that nasty wig away
    I think that you stress because you are anxious because you pull your hair because you stress because you are anxious.

    Go without that wig. The people who judge you, make fun of you or make you feel bad do not deserve you in their lives anyway.

    I feel that you are a good person..but this disease is crippling you and you can't grow as a person if all you focus on is trying to grow your hair.

    Be well :)

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Since you just posted this you should be able to still edit it. Go ahead and break your text into a few paragraphs, if you want more people, if anyone, to read your post. I couldn't bring my own self to read it.

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    • notnormal93

      K. I hope this helps.

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      • TrustMeImLying

        Why, thank you :-) *gives you a chocolate chip muffin*

        I actually didn't know about this disorder. But for outside and windy days, what if you wore a beanie/cap over your head? A scarf could be another option. Fast rides are tricky as you may have to hold onto your beanie/cap with your hands.

        Do you think your urge could be fulfilled by pulling out hair from the wig while it's on you? And if the sensation of pain is needed, what about pulling from another body part like arm or leg? It's not the best solution but must be a better alternative than hair on the head.

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  • could u put a rubber band around your wrist and ping it every time you go to pull your hair

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    • modernism


      I wouldn't replace an impulse disorder with a bad habit. They're not in the same plain field. It's not like constantly biting your nails or something. Trichotillomania isn't that easy to stop.

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    • notnormal93

      No. It's hard. :(

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      • RoseIsabella

        What's hard?

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  • andreth

    I have no right to give you any sort of advice but I will say this:
    First, please take good care of yourself, you sound like you deserve it.
    Second, don't think you wasted your youth or anything. This time in life is meant for growing up, and seems that you are doing fine. For you, as for me, the fun part of life is our twenties thirties forties... when we finally learn to stop feeling sorry for ourseles and decide to be happy despite it all. (At least you had a real reason to be anguished, I was insecure for no reason at all).
    Last tip: One of the best ways to feel better is to stop being so self centered :-) (really, I don't know how to phrase it better) Just try to get to know people, care for their problems, understand their insecurities. *Whenever you feel like sitting in a corner thinking about your disability, look outside yourself and to other people instead*. Make a habit out of it. It will make you a better person, and a happier one all at once.

    Sorry for the long reply, and I do hope you get well.

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  • modernism

    I'd say go see a doctor about this. There's not any bullet-proof treatment for trichotillomania, but maybe some behavioral therapy would help.

    Or maybe you could take some hair growth pills so your hair would grow back faster.

    If all else fails, throw your wig away. It's burdening your life - and you'd be better off without it.

    I can't really relate but I understand why you feel that way. Anyone would. Just try to seek some help so some progress could begin. :)

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  • Mytwin295

    First off, you are letting this thing control your life. Im still going through the same thing. While I dont have bald patches on my head, I do have a solid 2 inches of hair missing from the nape of my neck, my eyebrows have been gone since I was 4, and all body hair is removed daily (or when I can visibly see it)...

    secondly, (after skimming through the textbook post), you never really mentioned why you do it. Maybe you did and im being stupid, but, you have to find the 'thing' per se that is making you do this (stress, anxiety, I dont even know what else) and monitor it. see when it happens most and see what you can do to change it.

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  • Dulse.

    I knew a girl who had this problem, wore wigs, didn't have eyebrows, etc.

    I didn't think of her negatively because of her condition. It's a serious medical issue; It's not your fault.

    You have no hair, So what? Does it really seem fair that people should look down on you for that? If people choose not to understand or respect it, that is their problem. You have done nothing wrong. I hope this helps. :)

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  • sexysonofsam

    Why don`t you just say that you have a uncontrollable urge to pull your hair out which has lead to you being bald now you hate your miserable existence instead of all the carp you posted here?

    First and foremost, you and you alone are responsible for your present "condition!" Stop fucking around with your hair. If you cannot resist pulling your hair get somebody to chain your wrists to your mid body, this way you will not be able to reach your hair, soon it will grow back and Voila, you will notice that you are not the ugly beast that you seem to perceive you are!

    You will love yourself and your hair more and stop fucking around with it!

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    • modernism

      She's not "fucking around" with anything. This is a disorder. Not some bad habit.

      How about you stop making some ignorant assumptions and voila! - you won't seem like that much of a asshole anymore.

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      • sexysonofsam

        When you Americans do something to yourselves it is a 'condition' get over yourselves already and stop running to some shrink for all of your "problems", dickhead!

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        • modernism

          "Americans". Ha.

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          • sexysonofsam

            Americans, Australians, New Zealanders,British take your pick arsehole!

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