Is it normal that i feel trapped?

Sometimes I get this weird feeling where my heartbeats (I also absolutely hate the sound of these) tremendously fast and I feel trapped and I feel like I need to escape and I get boiling and I get restless. (Sorry for all those 'ands') Also, I start like fiddling and moving and for some reason I need to yell or scream or punch something! D: Is it normal?

*Another thing, I often get these when I have to do a test or exam.

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61% Normal
Based on 23 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • RapidlyRotatingPanda

    "I'm trapped! Like a moth in a bath!!!"

    Moss ~ The IT Crowd, "Smoke and Mirrors", episode 5, series 2.

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    • Can't beat Moss.

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  • CheyChey

    I do that sweaty palms, feeling like I wanna "get out" or run but nothing is really happening for me to feel this way. When I'm in an exam I feel like the time is too little, "I won't finish, omg I've failed"... The doctor gave me anti-anxiety meds which fucked me up for a while, turns out there were panic attacks.. See a doctor because it starts as a small issue then bit by bit it becomes this huge condition

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  • charli.m


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  • summeri56

    Your having anxiety maybe go exercise you will feel better.

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