Is it normal that i feel very uncomfortable about looking good?
I am beautiful and i have an amazing body. My face and body are equally good and unique. But I feel so uncomfortable about looking good. It is not that I ever wished I looked uglier, it is just that whenever I go out or meet new people i am afraid that they will be jealous of me AGAIN ( I had some bad experiences with losers who bullied me in the past.)and that they would start calling me slutty, stupid or ugly.
The people who treat me like that are complete losers, I know I shouldn't even bother with them. But I am angry at them! I want to put them in their place..... If those losers don't say mean things then they say sexual things.
I don't want strangers to treat me like " a sexy girl" when I am probably smarter and have more class than people who talk like that.
Men are weird towards me, they may think that they are very manly but the fact that their girlfriend is not feminine at all makes them act mean towards me ( like ignoring me in front of their girlfriend like i am not even a person and I bet they say mean things behind my back too) . Why should I have to put up with anyone who wants to feel better about themselves?