Is it normal that i find eyes and smiling so attractive?

I'm a guy and when I see a girl, I seem to get very aroused sexually just looking at a girls eyes and her smile. More so than her breasts. Any thoughts in why this may be so and what is is called?

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91% Normal
Based on 11 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • CDmale4fem

    They say the "eyes are the window to the soul". Some women's eyes are just so beautiful and sexy, then add in a wonderful, beautiful smile. What's not to love. It's called you are male, they are female and they are attractive. Us guys get so goofy stupid over a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes. Oh and it's called "sexual arousal". Be careful.
    You know what you call a guy that doesn't believe in birth control ?


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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Well I sure hope so! Of course it is normal mate! More than breasts maybe not, but the answer for the question in the title is normal.

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