Is it normal that i find hitler interesting?

I love reading up on hitler and all the war backgrounds and everything!
History really excits me and i havea big passion for it,

And when i talk to my dad about hitler, or if we see antiques with a nazi symbol or something i get fascinated!

No i dont have anything against Polish people btw.

And when people say HE KILLED TONS OF PEOPLE... i dont have an emotion. I dont feel sad, and i dont feel happy.
I feelneutral, like ' Oh.., is that so.... '

I just find it amazing that a man could cause such a havoc in the earth! Its interesting....
i feel terrible for liking nazi history cause everyone is always saying HES HORRIBLE DONT TALK ABOUT IT, but.. i just want to express how cool i think it was... that it actually happend... tht someone pulled something like that off.

Btw i dont support his killing in any way, i dont have a emotion or reaction reguarding it, but i do think it was bad.

Voting Results
90% Normal
Based on 235 votes (212 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • akaiser45

    If you can look beyond the mass genocide its amazing what he managed to do to Germany in about 10 years. They went from poor to rich, he created jobs, a powerful army, ended one of the worlds worst economic disasters caused by previous rule, and he managed to manipulate an entire country to believe that they were the best and that they should own Europe. It's truly incredible.

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  • TieDiedSuperstar


    I'm not very impressed by people expressing hate or revulsion at people who are unempathetic. This isn't a world designed for much emptahy at the moment, sadly. A lot of people who think they are being sympethetic are functionally about as unempathic as the people they disdain.

    I think Hitler is interesting for a lot of reasons. He says a lot about human nature. Of course he was an anomaly - he was a sociopath, just like 5% of all humanity. But more than 5% of Germans voted for him, didn't they? That says a lot about humanity and how much power are given to our leaders.

    Some people want to see humanity as caring in general. We are not. We're tempermental and judgemental. We are partial to those we favour.

    If you don't feel compassion for people that have been tortured, that's fine. It just shows you have little innate morale strength at the moment. Everybody is different, and a lot of people are the same, we are all strong and weak in our way. Enjoying torturing people or seeing people get tortured is another thing, but again, it's (sadly) human nature to many. We like to see people we hate suffer, we want them to feel our wrath, our truth, our faith in our own wisdom.

    Luckily there are more people with morale strength than there are sociopaths like Hitler, Stalin, Hussein or that kid that likes to put cherry bombs up dead squirrels asses and light them.

    What made Hitler rare was the fact he was fond of children and art. He was intelligent and loved the German people in his way.

    The Nazi Regime and the 1000 Year Reich was meant to be inspiring, patriotic and grand. It was that as much as it was cruel and ultimately abominable.

    If you don't feel sadness over Nazi Germany that's okay. I'm glad you're honest.

    So yeah, you are normal.

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  • kalish88

    Yes, he is interesting. He was the at the bottom of the totem pole as an enlisted soldier, and worked his way up to dictator. He was doing what he thought was right. No matter what anyone said he stood by his beliefs. And somehow made it work. He is a terrible man though. Full of hate and evil.

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  • bigtoy

    Warning - long post!
    If you really want to know how he managed to convince a whole nation to rise up against a minority, this is how he did it. (BTW I got this from a book called "In the Wake of the Plague")
    Hitler only put into practice something that had been going on since the middle ages all over Europe - jew hating. They were, and it is well documented, responsable for causing the Black Death by poisoning a well in Italy. The man that did it confessed and was tried. Documentary evidence supports this. The reason Hitler invaded Poland was because there were so many jews there because it was a safe haven for them after being pushed around the rest of Europe after having collectively taken the blame for so much death. It doesn't matter whether they did do it or not - that the people believed that they had done it was enough to create the hatred. Hitler managed to achieve what he did not by convincing people to hate jews but by encouraging them to attack a minority they historically already disliked. As many have pointed out here, the rest of what he did was admirable like rebuilding Germany, its economy and its national pride. That was due to the reason that he was in fact a very good politician. Of course, he became an empire builder, but that wasn't so different to the empire that the british or the romans created. He just did it with more force (though not in the case of the french who just stuck their hands up and let him in without any resistance). There have been many worse than Hitler - Mao Tse Tung was far worse - millions of his own people starved, were murdered, tortured or were imprisoned over a much longer period of time. Funny no one talks about him. Maybe because Hitler was more enigmatic.

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  • blondie0h3

    hitler is very interesting actually, i just do not approve of what he did. but if we only learned about the good-natured people of history then that wouldnt be very interesting at all, not to mention that history would only repeat itself because we would not be informed of the error of past ways.

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    • NeurotickleMePink

      Thank you!

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    The politicians of today don't amount to one of Hitlers boots....He was a genius, a leader, and a great man. He is only hated because he lost, and the dead can't stop the lies spread about them.

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  • vera046

    For the one saying that his lack of empathy is disgusting and that those kind of people scare the shit out of you; you better not leave the house anymore, 90% of people is like this. Most empathy we show is fake. I would say fascination for Hitler is normal, he was one heck of a politician. I'm not saying I would approve of what he did, but don't forget he convinced thousands of people of his ideas. That's quite impressive.

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  • MewMew

    100% Normal.
    I love Hitler, and I find him interesting as well.

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  • mini

    At least he's not sitting on his a** all day doing nothing like most leaders today.

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    ayye i do agree with you btw im not racists but i do the the nazi symbols idk why it just looks cool

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  • I'd like to thank you all for thinking im interesting.

    Sieg Heil!

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  • I'm interested in ze whole Holocast thing too ur totally notmal

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  • shouldiBmad

    Well I'm a history major...and world war II is my shit. Hitler fascinates the hell out of me actually genocide in general is so interesting (sad but get what I mean). However, I think he is one of the worst people to have ever walked the earth. But he industrialized mass murder of Jews, Polish people, communists, homosexuals, and the handicapped and got away with it until the allies invaded and discovered the concentration camps.
    I think youre fine as long as you're not planning on being some Mein Kampf reading neo-Nazi, cause that shit isnt cool.

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  • Adolf_Hiτler

    why thank you

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  • menu161

    To be interested in a very serious historic event is completely normal. But I dont think your interested in the holocaust. I think your interested in hitlers power and how amazing it was that he could do it. I think this because if you truly knew about hitler and what he did and you actually studied it you would know THAT HE KILLED JEWISH PEOPLE. I dont care that you have nothing against polish people!! That sentence had nothing to do with hitler whatsoever other then the fact that yes, the nazi's did invade poland, as well as a ton of other countries. So to be interested in only hitler and the fact that he killed people then no, that is not normal. Its gross how misinformed you are.

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  • mackylos

    It is a little strange i think. The natural response for most humans is empathy when they hear the atrocities he committed. Here is a wonderful doc on him:

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  • slayer123

    hitler is a true man.. it's just propaganda that made him evil

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  • hengiska

    Totally normal? Don't think so... It is so obvious that you have never been to Osvetimi or Terezin, the atmosphere there is so terrible and awful that you would never say that Hitler fascinates you! Think about it... Yeah, he manipulated with whole Germany, maybe with whole world, but there is not anything to admire!!!

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    • NeurotickleMePink

      Why can one not be fascinated by learning about horrible things that happened in history and are interested in human behavior and what makes people tick? Learning about Hilter IS interesting. He was insane! If you can't study or love parts of history because they offend you, you are bound to repeat them! When will we learn this?

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  • astoria

    totally normal. im a major history person and when someone or something mentions hitler of the holocaust, i do the same. its really interesting what you can find out. but when hitler killed people, just the thought of that makes me sad.dont promote hate crimes please.

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  • sineadtwiggy

    he is a very fascinating subject, just dont get sucked in too far. he was an evil bastard

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  • Star1778

    a lot of people are fascinated by Hitler, he did after all, change the course of history. his being an evil person doesn't change the fact that what he was and what he did was simply extraordinary and yes, fascinating.

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  • smuffle

    It's normal to be fascinated by a historical figure, good or evil; it's not that normal that the reality of the Holocaust doesn't phase you at all. Maybe not "end of the world" abnormal, but as long as you're not a neo-Nazi it's ok I suppose. Although I would argue that it's even ok to read Mein Kampf IF you are doing it from a historian's perspective and thinking very critically about everything in it and how the ideas led to Hitler's later actions and so on. If you want to work on your compassionate side you should look up Holocaust survival stories--or read Night by Elie Wiesel. It's only about 90 pages but it's the most powerful book I've ever read.

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  • semi-charmed

    I always get fascinated by hitler aswell! I don't know what it is because when I hear about all the other wars i'm not that interested but theres something about what he did that makes me want to learn more about him..

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  • lemoncakex3

    I also am interested in Hitler/WWII and Nazi history but I don't get the indifference thing about the people that were killed. I feel, obviously, very sad and repulsed by that. As long as your not promoting hate or hurting people I'd say you're fine. [:

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  • Alaxett

    Normal. I know a friend who are like that, he wasn't even thinking about how many people he killed, but his reason is that what Hitler have done to the rest of history for us to learn from and use it - sure as automobile, tactics, orator skills, alot of awesome movies like Inglourious Bastards with a part in it that show Hitler is killed in a different way, the study of how stupid people can be so we can never become stupid like they are, etc etc. Some of it I added to the list of course, because my friend is an idiot anyway.

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  • Your lack of empathy is disgusting. You relate to the social indifference that allowed a savage & sociopathic monster to rule. Your type scares the shit out of me.

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