Is it normal that i find it ridiculous?

Is it normal that thinking that christianity is true saddens me? I mean if I think of all the good people that have died that have apparently gone to hell I feel depressed. I mean apparently Ghandi would be in hell. I`ve also read several articles on how aliens are apparently fallen angels. I mean if any of this is true then it is just horrible..... I feel like I will eventually become a christian because I will be brainwashed and have no other choice. I mean apparently god will send billions of people into hell... I have a hard time being happy about that. I really hope it isn`t true. Is this normal?

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83% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • ohplease

    You can be compelled and coerced into acting a certain way, but your mind is your own.

    What should sadden you more is the supposed end result of people "spreading the good news". Armageddon cannot begin, according to Christian doctrine (some, anyways), until every single person on earth has heard about Jesus and his message. Then, when everybody on earth has heard it (not neccesarily accepted it), the end of the world can begin. Seriously.

    If you have people attempting to shove a faith down your throat then they probably care about you and are trying to do what's right, but unfortunately, are not succeding in that goal. If you're concerned about what they're saying being true and depressing, then go to any local bookstore. Look at all the different iterations of the Bible. Pick up any two, choose any verse, I can practically guarantee that it will not be identical. These are all interpretations. Christianity is the same way. There are many interpretations of the same basic idea. If you like the general idea, but are disturbed by some of the specifics, this specific branch of Christianity isn't for you. If you don't like any of it, you might not be a Christian. That is not neccessarily a bad thing. Lots of people aren't Christians, and they get along just fine, and only some of them eat babies and engage in hideous orgy-infused cults.

    If this is your family attempting the indoctrination, please try to keep your sanity until you are able to remove yourself from their influence and direct control. If this is a friend (especially of the opposite gender), they are not your friend, and you should try to be rid of them as soon as possible for your mental health's sake. Can a person be more controlling than trying to control another person's soul?

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  • Jessicaahhhh

    If you look up the entire list of sins you'll realise that no person ever has gone to heaven. I'm not religious myself, but I like to think if there is a God he has better ways of judging people that just their actions.

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  • bananaface

    Not all of Christianity is true, and I don't think it could all be true. I like it when people use religion as a source of comfort or as something to help them get guidance (assuming they're still thinking for themselves, rather than blindly basing all their beliefs and morals on what they're told).

    Because of that, different people get very different things from it. I personally don't think that you have to believe in hell to be religious, although I don't know much about it. Take what you want from religion, just try to avoid getting hate or fear from it. There's a lot of positive stuff that came come from religion, it all depends on your outlook. I'm sure if God is real then Ghandi is kicking back in heaven right now. And if he isn't and is actually in hell, then I don't want to believe in that sort of God, even if I don't believe in God anyway.:P

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    • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

      I had to give you a thumbs-up there. Someone just had to thumb you dowm because you praised religion a bit or because you said you didn't believe in it. Either way, I found your statements to be incredibly insightful and valid.

      Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • Icyluv

    DONT BREAK DOWN!!!!! CHRISTIANITY IS A LIE!!!! This would mean Ghandi and a pedophile would get the same punishment all because he believes another GOD??? What kind of God is that??? Why would you beileve in something like that??? picking and choosing?? good is good bad is bad ... its a cult to suite and benefit those who follow it only

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  • MsWVgal

    I find, when I'm thinking this way, that it helps to remember a certain line fron a movie:

    "I do not ask if you believe what man says about God. I ask if you believe God exists."

    And another from a very well respected preacher:

    "When someone says they don't believe in 'my god' I'll ask them who they think my god is. Often I'll find that I don't believe in that god either!"

    As for heaven and hell, there a a thousand different viewpoints on this. I personally believe that God accepts all who follow his teachings - notice the basics of so many religions are the same - and who acknowledge Him. But not everyone follows the same thought. Why do you think there are so many denominations of Christianity? The focus of Christianity is that Jesus died for our sins. We can all get into heaven - we only have to accept Jesus' gift.

    Now, some people believe its more like "earning" your way in - almost like someone is keeping score. Others believe that accepting Jesus and making an effort to live by His teachings is enough. Or that you HAVE to follow the Bible to the letter. Or that the Bible is a guideline, full of parables and lessons, but requiring adaptation to the modern day (in regards to particulars, not the overall concepts.)

    As for aliens and angels, that is not a central "Christian" belief, but the idea of some people.

    Overall, I think there are 2 points which all Christians would agree with:
    - Everyone has the opportunity to be saved. Children, or mentally handicapped people who cannot acknowledge an understanding of salvation, are already saved.
    - Consciously rejecting God is a sin. (Personally I don't distinguish between "God" and "Allah" and "Jehovah" so accepting Allah is not rejecting God, but views differ on that.)

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