Is it normal that i find moles a huge turnoff and a deal breaker?

Moles gross me out on people honestly. A girl could be gorgeous but if she has moles all over her body and/or face I think shes ugly. I kinda feel like an asshole about it, but I can't help what I'm attracted to right?

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Comments ( 36 )
  • flutterhigh

    If a girl has moles all over her body, help her out. Those fuckers got claws.

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    • iEatZombies_

      Oh my, the poor the face.

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  • Dizzee

    I don't care if it's a turnoff for you, but if you let one little thing be a deal breaker... it seems to me that you're a bit shallow. However, that's just my opinion. Feel free to delete this comment or thumbs it down, most people tend to hate what I say anyways. :P

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    • margory

      Moles are like warts.. they're not supposed to be on the human body. A freckle is one thing, but even as a small child when I was 2-4 I didn't want to be near people with moles because it made me gag.

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  • Leee292

    There is a psychological aspect to this as well. I think you'll find many people who are turned off by moles also tend to be a little (or a lot) Obsessive-Compulsive.
    I use myself as an example. Whenever I see a mole on others or myself (and I'm NOT talking about freckles) I have the urge to pick them off. Have you ever seen primates picking tics or bugs off their mates skin? It's psychological and also perhaps and evolutionary holdover.

    I had a girlfriend who was beautiful, but she had these very large, raised moles on her back and a couple on the side of her breasts. We dated for awhile, she broke up with me, but honestly if she didn't, I don't think I could have married her without suggesting that she have those moles (especially the ones on her breasts) removed.

    I don't think that makes me shallow, I don't think it makes me judgemental, it's just something that turns me off, way down deep inside. Whether it's because of OCD or ancient primate urges, it's just how I feel. I'm sorry if you feel offended, I don't mean to be rude. And if you are happy with your moles, and your friends/mates don't mind them then there is no problem. But the bottom line is, I'm not the only one that find moles unattractive. I've read from many different websites people having similar opinions to my own.

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    • Arib35

      Exactly right, I have OCD and It turns me off too

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    So Marylin monroe's mole wasn't hot?

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    • djshgurhe

      def. hot

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  • Avant-Garde

    They aren't that bad and can even be removed. It's personal preference.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    It's normal to have preferencces, but honestly... most people who are that picky about their partners appearance don't have a whole lot of room to talk themselves. Almost no one has perfect skin unless they paid to get it.

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  • Marisol

    It is understandable, as long as you don't value her less as a person because she has them. We all have a certain perception of attractiveness.

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  • Moley moley moley! Cut it up into some guacamoley

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  • The_Rap_Goddess

    I have a small mole that's like Merlin Monroe and honestly people say they find me more attractive with it. I think that huge moles on the face on back are also a bit of a turnoff, but if your partner doesn't accept them and who you are then they aren't then they are not meant for you.

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  • beebopberoo

    I have a mole kind of like Cindy Crawfords. It's more above my lip than hers. I don't think people understand how fucking hard it is to deal with it. People like you have made fun of me all my life. I really think it's just shallow that you could just not like someone for something that they can't control like that. I didn't ask for this to be on my face. And I'm not going to remove it just to deal with an ugly scar. Some of these comments literally make me want to cry. Like, I can't be pretty because I have one? Fuck you guys. I'm an attractive girl. Most people say they don't even notice my mole after awhile.

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    • djshgurhe

      same! you're awesome and beautiful. some people are dumb as hell :)

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  • MRmr

    Yes moles are disgusting, anyone that disagrees is obviously someone who couldnt get an actual good looking person to date.

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    • djshgurhe

      with your attitude, im sure its hard for you as well:)

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  • KatieLiz

    That's kind of like saying you won't date someone if they have brown eyes. Everyone has moles.

    I have one on my face and I'd never get rid of it, below my lip kind of on the corner of my face. It gives me something different and individual :)

    Really don't know why they're perceived as unattractive, I like them.

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    • kimber

      No it isn't.. brown eyes are not a deformity.. moles certainly are! They are offensive to look at.

      And I'm offended by your comment 'everybody has moles' - are you hanging out at your local moles clinic?
      Moles are deformities like warts or corns and should be removed by a doctor.

      They're actually little benign tumors.. you're saying you find tumors or 'growths' attractive? YUK

      I have met about 3 people in my life who were covered in moles.. I don't like to touch them. I have met maybe a dozen people who have had 1 mole.. they make me queezy to look at..

      Most people who stay out of the sun have beautiful unblemished skin

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      • Timeisonmyside

        To say that moles are "offensive" is a very shallow statement. They are in no way "offensive" and never will be! If you do not have any then they do not affect you in any way possible.
        Ok, if you find them not very attractive then fair enough...everyone has their preference.
        Everyone in the world is born different and it is unfair to call something so natural a "deformity" ! Are you implying that you are perfect? I guarantee you have a flaw! Everyone does because there is not such thing as perfection in human form. However,what I can guarantee is a flaw in your personality! To state something so vulgar shows signs of immaturity,shallowness and absolutely no respect for others.
        My friend has moles on her face and I can guarantee you she is beautiful and many men would say the same thing.
        In future,you should have a think about what you are saying as many people may read what you have just said and it can hit their insecurities.
        I am sure you are lovely and therefore I respect you as I do for everyone else .

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      • Person7260

        @: kimber
        Maybe you don't find them attractive. That's fine. Maybe some people are really self-conscious about it. Please have a heart. No one is perfect. Talking about people with moles as if there gross/revolting creatures is not what a nice person would do. And you said they "should be removed by a doctor." Yes if they're cancerous. Otherwise, it is up to the person. Or maybe they've been so affected by them in their life that they don't have the courage to go into a dermatologist's office to get them cut off. Though you are most definitely entitled to your own opinion, each person has their own preference. I will pray that you are able to understand what these people sometimes deal with. Let's respect one another.

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  • chicken471bologna

    It's normal. It's called PERSONAL PREFERENCE.

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  • Omgeeipooped

    Wtf, everyone has moles on their body! I don't know anyone who doesn't. I bet you have moles somewhere, sick of you men thinking women are suppose to be perfect when men are far from perfect.

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    • disthing

      Yeah GIRL POWER you tell it to those men! They all assholes! All my single ladies... All my single ladies... PUT YOUR HANDS UP! We girlz aint perfect and you guys aint perfect and if you don't like it you can go die!

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      • Person7260

        Hi, I am a guy, I think it is very disrespectful to judge people who have moles. And I know you may have been joking (or not, I'm not really sure), but I think it is also not that nice to stereotype people. Or telling people to go die. So I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but maybe let people know you're playing around next time.

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    • auser

      Some moles are fine. I just mean a lot and mostly on the face

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  • BlackDays

    Awww they are so cute, the little burrowers :)

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  • MissNormalBates

    Absolutely normal, my friend. Them 3D moles, especially in the front of the torso, they’re the worst. Flat ones can be cute, though, like on the face.
    It’s so subjective, so of course it’s normal. The opposite (although I wouldn’t understand how) would be normal too.

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  • Secret888

    I don’t know why but I’ve always been grossed out by moles, since I was child. I only have one small one on my arm and I’ve always been really self conscious of it. Even a very small raised freckle that you can barely see on the top my lip I was ashamed of for years. I guess I just really don’t like it when people have moles or noticeable freckles around there mouth especially above lip or cheek. It’s just a preference I guess. I try not to let it bother me as much as I get older. My man has a few large moles on his back and leg and it bothers me but I love him so I don’t really care anymore. So I guess it’s not a deal breaker unless it’s a big one in your face. He has a very small hard to see one on his cheek bone and I could def life without it but I learn to love all his flaws. I just hope they don’t get passed down to our kids. They really do gross me out. I don’t know where this case from

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  • Tamaralewis101

    For the people who are saying that moles make them feel sick or are a big turnoff , yes that is your opinion but have you ever thought about the people who do have moles some big some small yes some of us may like them but the huge majority of us hate them , we would wish for anything in the world just to get them removed. My moles on my right cheeck affect a lot of things in my life I never talk to new people as I always think they think badly of me because of my moles which is wrong ,I have no self-confidence as I always see my self as disfigured or I murmur to myself "why can't I be like my pretty friends with amazing skin" this is just a few things that get to us now we have people saying that the look of moles make people want to throw up ; what do you want us to do put a mask on , we are all born with things on our body different to everyone else but what are we supposed to do when we are born with unwanted things on our body,many of us cannot afford an £765 mole removal which will most likely end up leaving scarring;we have to put up with them grin and bear it and try and live our life but then again it's a big turnoff for people so how are we supposed to find a partner who isn't an asshole . I may have come on a bit strong but them people really do need to think about us people with moles because they change our lives in a way we don't want them to and what are we expected to do about it ?!

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  • if i had moles i would make u give them names and kiss each one goodnight humph! slam!!

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  • Aleks85

    You shouldn't be so picky, you're gonna die alone.

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  • NerdyChickFTW

    It depends on where the mole is, how big it is, and how many there are, I suppose. But really, it just adds character to otherwise bland skin tones. My boyfriend says he thinks I would be adorable with a Marilyn Monroe-type mole.

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  • auser

    Yes of course everyone has moles. The odd one here or there. I'm talking about an abundance of moles and big noticeable ones. If you have a few on your face like the size of a spec of sand that doesn't bother me but once they start getting pea sized then I find it unattractive

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  • hamwich

    I don't think I've ever met anyone over the age of 5 who didn't have at least one mole.

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  • I dont know I can kinda understand what the OP is saying, I mean some moles are alright, but if there is like a couple monsterous ones on a chick's face I am kinda turned off by that. Especially if they are like raised or something.

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