Is it normal that i find reasons not to like someone?

I constantly find myself wanting a serious relationship, but then when I have the potential to be in one I catch myself making excuses like: he eats too sloppy, he makes immature jokes, we always go on the same dates, etc. I'm not afraid of commitment; I've had relationships that have lasted years, but lately it's hard for me to find the spark. To really connect.

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68% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • CheyChey

    I'm the same but for me it's opposite, I have really high standards but once it starts going somewhere with a guy I start looking for reasons why that person will end up not liking me anymore and I build the guy up so much and place him on a pedestal unbeknown to him but still it ends up with me ruining what could be an amazing thing.

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  • pixie44

    Maybe you just have your guard up and don't want to be hurt.
    And maybe you just know they're not the one for you and you don't want to just "settle" you want the one. :)

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Nobody is perfect and the sooner you realise that the soon you will end up with someone.

    Sure have standards but if ts little niggling things over look them.

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