Is it normal that i find taxidermy, dolls and similar very creepy?

Most people I know don't and find it weird that I do.I also hate dolls, but only the super pretty kind, not stuff like those fake babies (what it's called in English? ), Barbie or the ones who look like children with developmental delays.And I just remembered, when I was about 5 I was scared of a small angel sculpture that looked really realistic and I couldn't sleep in the same room with it.

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 57 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • squirrelgirl

    It's called "the uncanny valley effect", and it's very normal.

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  • ThatCreepyWhiteGuy

    Are you also afraid of stitched together corpses of different creatures reanimated by a series of electric shocks? If so, you probably shouldn't visit my house.

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  • My daughter turns all of the dolls in her room towards the wall so they're not staring at her :S

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    • ♡Primadonna♡

      That's what I always did!

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      • And yet...I got voted down for saying it hahaha.

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    • RoseIsabella

      So then why even have the stupid dolls in the first place?

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      • Goodness. I would've never guessed my answer would be controversial, let alone warrant hostility.

        To answer your question, she likes to play with them in the daytime. She feels like they're staring at her at night.

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        • RoseIsabella

          What hostility? I'm just not a fan of dolls on account of their being creepy and all that.

          Hostility would be if I said to set them on fire or something. Although, I did see a woman on that Hoarders show who said she was a doll collector but was actually a doll hoarder. This old woman had so many dolls in her house and attic that her ceiling was about to collapse. When they finally got it all out of the house she had a mountain of dolls as big as her house. Anyway, I would love to set her hoard on FIRE!

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          • Put_name_here

            Wawawewa. How do you have that many dolls? It's not like they're made of lead or anything. What a waste of money.

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          • Ah..haha. I read you wrong. Looked like you were directing that at me.

   bad :P

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            • RoseIsabella

              No problemo. :-)

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        • ♡Primadonna♡

          Exactly what I thought

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      • ♡Primadonna♡

        They are fine by day

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        • RoseIsabella

          Well, thank you for the prompt response but I was actually asking about TheGhostOfReason's daughter. Regardless, I've never been fond of dolls except for of course Barbies.

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  • Sunshine:)

    You wouldn't survive at my house!

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