Is it normal that i freak out when i can't see/talk to certain people?

Lately I've been freaking out a lot when I can't talk to, hear or see certain people. These include my dad, my younger brother, and one of my close male friends (we tell everyone we're cousins cause we're really close and hate people asking 'are you dating?').
I saw my dad a few days ago but leading up to that I was freaking out and when he had to go I hugged him and wouldn't let go.
When I'm at home I can usually hear my younger brother from his room so I'm fine but at school I worry about him.
My friend wasn't at school yesterday and I was freaking out because I thought something terrible had happened (I had no reason to feel this way, he was fine the day before).
It's only these guys I'm really freaking out about. Anyone else ever get like this?

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51% Normal
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Comments ( 3 )
  • peterr

    Sounds like you are all fucked up to me. See a counsellor of some sort or go out and get fucked good and thoroughly. Maybe that will help. I will suck you off for starters if you wish.

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  • Wierdmyself

    I understand the concept of worry, I've worried before lol. But what you describe is a bit extreme.

    What are you worried about? You should talk to someone about this, it isn't good to worry that much about things.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    I somethimes have that too (not as extreme though). It's normal to worry about people you love. Have you lost someone close to you? What dou you think your fear comes from.

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