Is it normal that i get aches that get relief from passing gas?

Okay so lately my body has been getting sore ex. My lower back,hips, calfs, shins, foot,arms. And I try massaging them out but it dosen't help unless I pass gas while doing it. When I massage myself I gotta stretch that body part and the deeper I massage the more gas starts to pass and the more relief I start to feel. I thought it was because of soda I drink but I stopped for a few months and still had the same issue. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? If so what was the cause or how did you fix the issue. It happens often to me and gets annoying cause I don't like passing gas and at work I gotta kinda sneak away and stretch and try to quietly pass gas to get relief. Sometimes i get relief by stretching my leg and twisting it in an awkward position while massaging it and the gas just starts coming out. I wanna go to the doctors to see if they know but as of right now I don't have insurance and don't got the money to pay for my visit. Any help will be appreciated.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • FeedMeTurds

    Hmmm, very unusual. I would like to know more about the scent of your farts/anus. Please tell me about the odours that originate from it.

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    • The farts that come out don't really have an odor

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Are you having a bowel movement every day

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    • Yeah, I also have a high metabolism so I'm not sure if that plays a factor

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    Sounds like you're full of shit. Literally.

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    • Lol that was hilarious

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