Is it normal that i get all ocd with colors?

Whenever I have more than 2 colors put in front of me, I always have the urge to put them in what I consider ‘correct’ order, which is in the order of the colors of the rainbow. If I'm unable to complete this task, then I get really freaked out. I have OCD, so is that what could be causing it? Is my obsession with putting colors in their ‘correct’ order normal?

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 44 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Maya434

    I always arrange things by color, they just don't look right otherwise.

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  • bra13vo

    if you already have OCD, this is very normal. i mean, OCD, duh. I voted yes. lol

    but I know what you mean, I'm the same brotha/sista. But I can be messy too sometimes without worrying it. it's all in the mind

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  • Yeah, thats OCD....

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  • sailorvenus

    Somehow.....I find it normal. I do that with some things too. Sequences, sizes, as for colors I normally classify. If there's light blue, red, dark blue and yellow, I'd go yellow, red, light blue, dark blue - I group the blue together. Heh I'm probably weird. So what.

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  • jaredk

    I have OCD (the actual condition) and this sounds completely normal. Go to a doctor if your condition gets too out of hand. It really helped me.

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  • Zazoo

    Where!? Lol

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  • dappled

    Where do you go between red, vermillion, crimson, and scarlet?

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    • My last account screwed up really badly and I was unable to retrieve it, so I'm using a new one now. Well, I usually try not to let that happen, because it's too difficult for me to seperate them properly. I always end up being rather dissatisfied with the outcome and change the order constantly and waste a lot of time (unintentionally) if a scenario like that comes up.

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