Is it normal that i get angry with christians talking rubbish?
I just heard a christian woman say on the radio that adam & eve themselves caused our shame of our naked bodies, that god didn't cause it and didn't know they were going to react that way after they ate the forbidden fruit. He didn't know the snake was going to tempt them either, even though he'd created it as well (check out Ricky Gervaise on youtube about this, it's hysterical).
The pissweak interviewer didn't challenge her by pointing out that if god created adam & eve and is omnipotent and all those other omni things, how come he didn't know what they were going to do, and didn't he create in them the possibility that they'd not only disobey him but then be ashamed of the very bodies he'd created in his own image, in which case is he also ashamed of his own body?
Does this sort of rubbish enrage other people too? I just wish they'd turn their brains on before they get out of bed in the morning and also actually read the bible: I'm an atheist but was raised fundamentalist christian and I nearly always know more about what's really in the bible than they do.