Is it normal that i get annoyed when people say they think murderers..

rapists, and such shouldn't be tortured? I mean, yes they've done horrible things but why do it back to them? I think it would be just inhumane for a justice system to be like that. And by the logic that murderers and rapists should be tortured doesn't this mean that the torturers would have to be tortured too? And so on, and so on. Honestly, what kind of a person could just sit there and torture someone anyways? Even if someone wronged me so badly I could never do that...

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59% Normal
Based on 61 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • bananaface

    I guess it depends on what you think the justice system should be doing. Many think the criminals need to be punished. I personally believe that it should be about rehabilitation, so I agree with you about torturing people being wrong. I can see why others would disagree, though.

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    • VioletTrees

      I agree. The justice system should be there to have a net positive impact on society, not to carry out people's revenge fantasies.

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    • Karmasbitch

      I completely agree with this. If there were rehabilitation for criminals think about the difference there would be in the world. I wish more people were in tune to this concept.

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  • Sog

    People do bad things for many reasons. It would be wonderful if the world was such a black-and-white place where only evil people do evil things because they're evil, and good people do good things because they're good. Of course people are more complicated than that.

    All bad deeds deserve to be punished, but it doesn't mean that anyone is inherently evil or should be dehumanized. No person deserves to be treated like an animal no matter what he's done.

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  • GuessWho

    There are people such as myself that feel nothing for these evil-minded criminals who would be able to torture them without holding back.

    It's a good idea. Murderers and Rapists deserve to live in misery.

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  • humptydumpty

    no if they know they for sure are the serial rapist they should get the death penalty right away instead of wasting our tax dollars on them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    The justice system is buggered anyway if it wasn't why have we got serial rapists etc?

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  • skesmizio

    If someone brainwashes you good enough, you'll do anything. Look at the nazi soldiers.

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  • Ixu

    What?! They deserve a good culling

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  • alv1592

    Okay...maybe those people don't have to be tortured, they should just get the death penalty as soon as possible and burn in hell. I get ENRAGED by child/animal abusers. Back off Nash fans who think it's morally right, go ahead and have your opinions but keep it to yourself.

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  • lexi958

    The victim had to suffer so the criminal should too

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    • screwthestandard

      An eye for an eye and we all go blind. Don't forget that there are kids that are murders too, could you torture a kid? I'm not defending them but I'm just saying torture isn't necessary at all, we don't live in medieval times anymore. Cruel and unsual punishment is illegal for a reason.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    Yes, let's value a life who doesn't value life. that also makes sense.

    I get it. I do. Some people are just bad people. They deserve what's coming to them.

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  • mazgan

    i would love be the torturer of criminals, sounds like so much fun.
    start by plucking thier eyes out and then piss and shit inside thier eye socket, pull thier nails and teeth out and pour acid on it, surgecly remove thier appendix and feed it to them untill they choke. oh and burn thier ears and hair, stuff shit inside thier nose

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    • screwthestandard

      That's really gross and fucked up

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      • mazgan

        so do i get A for creativity or what?

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