Is it normal that i get annoyed with people who are afraid of blood ?

The other day there was blood on the ground and me and my friend were walking an we saw it so we just said "meh its blood." and some overly peppy overly girly girls started screaming and one of them even said she felt nauseous. So I'm over here like, really?! ITS BLOOD. ITS INSIDE OF YOU. IT CIRCULATES THROUGH YOUR BODY. YOU NEED IT TO LIVE. GET. OVER. IT ! I was just wondering if anyone else gets annoyed. (I'm a girl by the way but i'm not all Peppermint Peppy.)

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Comments ( 31 )
  • jeebley

    Yeh that pisses me off too. I dont think it really grosses them out, they just act that way to be girly or whatever...thats whats really annoying. But then again I remember one dude passed out in school just at the mention of blood so some people genuinely have a weird phobia or whatever about it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    It's annoying yeah, but some people have irrational fears and the fear of blood is one of them. Usually, blood on the ground is associated with some violent or gory act, so it tends to evoke that kind of reaction.

    You'd probably HATE me. Blood doesn't bother me, however, if there is a spider on me and I see it, I will trip. shit. Seriously. I will go from calm, cool, collected Neuro to "OH MY FUCKING JESUS CHRIST IN A HANDBASKET ROLLER DERBY TRICYCLE SEROTONIN CHOCOLATE BARS!!!1!1!!1!!!11111!!!!!!one AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!one!!!1111!!!!".

    I could make those girls look like they were chill.

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    • LinkinOtaku

      nah, i wouldn't hate you, i'm kinda the same way but i'd probably get like 5 cans of raid and spray the nasty thing until it drowns. But if it was on me I'd be saying "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THIS OFF OF ME I SWEAR OR I WILL JUMP IN A POOL TO DROWN IT GET IT OFF PLEASE JUST GET IT OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!" (I wrote this post btw but i forgot the username so yeeeah ._.)

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    • charli.m

      That was awesome :D

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Urine is also inside you but most people are grossed out at my piss fetish.

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  • AIDS, ect, ect, ect, ect, ect.

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  • Pisslan616

    I just think stupid over reactions in general are annoying.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Aww you can't be annoyed at people because they're afraid of something. x

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  • disthing

    Yeah it's normal to be annoyed by it, but it's also normal to be tolerant of people's mild phobias. People who scream the house down if they see a spider or a mouse irritate me, but for some reason a lot of kids are instilled with this irrational response by their parents from a young age. It seems to perpetuate itself through the generations. Perhaps the parents, siblings or friends of the girl you were with have shared and encouraged that fear of blood?

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  • Saycheese

    When I was little I use to be fine around blood. I am still fine around my own blood thougvh. But when I see blood it does make me feel dizzy and gives me chills. It's just something I can't control very well; I won't scream when I see it though.

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  • at least you know theyre not gonna stab u or bite yr neck

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  • CraneyCrow

    Yes, it's normal because they are being silly and they need to stop being such annoying wusses. Even worse are those wusses that faint when the have blood drawn.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Yes. Just as bad as people that get excited about it.

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  • Energy

    Gore fanatic much?

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    • LinkinOtaku

      You COULD say that but not really. Well. . . on a scale from 1 to 10 I'm probably a. . . 7. But I think it's probably because since I got so many bloody cuts as a kid and I was so used to it so I didn't even care about the blood on the ground.( I wrote this post btw but i forgot my username)

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  • thinkingaboutit

    well. a pint of blood is pretty gross.

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  • dom180

    You're right, how dare they have an involuntary reaction of the sympathetic nervous system?! How dare they?!

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    • charli.m


      The screaming is unnecessary and annoying. But feeling ill? If it can't be helped, it can't be helped.

      I feel sick at the sight and smell of blood, sometimes to the point of gagging. Found out the hard way I could be covered head to toe in someone elses vomit and not bat an eyelid (though not any longer...). I deal with vomit, poo, wee, snot and dribble on a daily basis.

      But blood (particularly in large quantities)? Urgh. I don't handle it well. It's meant to be on the inside, not the out :-S

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    • xXAnime120Xx

      well excuse me sciencey person don't need to be all sarcastic about it

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Ok so people have irrational fears.

    What about if someone was annoyed by what you are scared of how would that make you feel?

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    • LinkinOtaku

      (I wrote this post by the way but i forgot my username so i had to make a new one =.=) I don't think i would care if anyone was annoyed with what i'm scared of. Actually I would probably just shrug it off and understand because sometimes i get annoyed with my own fears, if that makes sense.

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  • ChaoticBunny

    Mmmmmm. Blooood...
    Oh, sorry.
    Nope. Its not normal to freak out over the sight of blood.
    Its only disgusting if it came from a person whose infected with a deadly virus, like aids, hepatitis, ect.

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  • Pheel

    Everyone is bothered by something

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  • hairyfairy

    I hate the site of blood, luckily I don`t get to see any except if I nick myself shaving my legs, & even that makes my skin crawl.

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  • Jessicaahhhh

    My friend is like that with needles it's sooooooo annoying. like i get it just shut up, it doesn't make you cool

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    I wouldn't say I'm afraid of blood but I'm uncomfortable in its presence. I guess it's just natural that the brain assimilates blood with injury thus inducing fear. The fact that I don't like blood also ties in with how I can't watch gory movies or play violent video games, even though it's not real, it just doesn't sit right with me seeing it.
    I guess in today's society we are all very desensitized to gory scenes due to the. News, media, to shows etc.. But I never got the hang of being exposed to blood.
    Meh, it's just a thing.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I bathe in human blood.

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    • disthing

      I did that once. I had a nosebleed in the bath :/

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  • lastcaress

    A little blood goes a long way!!!

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  • Darkoil

    We were once dissecting rats and a girl fainted, I just remember thinking why the fuck did you take this class in the first place you dumb bitch.

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  • iEatZombies_

    It's certainly more of an issue for her than you, I can assure you.

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