Is it normal that i get freaked out by people talking to me?

when people talk to me whom I don't normally talk to, it freaks me out. I get all nervous and start thinking about what it is they want and why they are talking to me. Then I get a little self conscious about if I have something on my face or if I have my shirt button up right even if I already know it is. Usually I cannot even focus on the conversation because on the inside I'm Like panicking. Even hours sometimes days after the conversation with the person I still feel a little weird and nervous about the person talking to me.

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56% Normal
Based on 52 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • AlphabetCity

    Everyone has a little bit of social anxiety, but you said it your self, you may be just a tad bit self conscious, and that's okay. I would try to recognize every time that you feel this way and try to remember why in particular your feeling this way. You can find a lot about yourself if you take the time to really understand why it is that you feel what you feel, and see things as you do.

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  • cooldudejw

    normal. i get nervous round people too. they scare me

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  • VioletTrees

    No, this sounds like pretty serious anxiety. Talk to a doctor.

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  • squirelhunter

    Yh im the same
    I get freaked out I take a loooong pause before I reply and have a scared face wen they talk to me

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  • Blue_Velvet

    Me too, well i wouldn't say freaked out but if i'm out shopping and suddenly an old lady starts to small talk to me i feel kind of awkward about the situation haha.

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  • emilydoll

    You are too self conscious, we all have been there, hopefully you will grow out of this, they are just people. Work on your self confidence and be positive.

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  • Garibeary

    Don't worry! I have the same problem! I don't like other people talking to me because I always jump to conclusions and end up saying something I don't mean to say or give an instant reaction without even thinking about it. Because of this problem I end up creating unwanted attention, so I hope that this cheers you up a bit. I looked it up online about this because I just started to notice that I get extremely uncomfortable when I start to talk in huge groups of people; found out that it is called, glossophobia.

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  • blacklabelbeeryum

    I feel similar when someone I don't usually talk to or someone I don't know talks to me but I get really irritated. I think, even if they're just being friendly, they want something out of me, I usually just walk away if it's nothing important. I do think it's a little weird that affects you so for days after you were spoken to randomly. Try shrug it of next time and maybe you'll get use to it.

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