Is it normal that i get like this when i'm alone?

When I'm by myself,I'll get shaky and my heart will beat and I feel like I can't breathe. And I can't think straight. If I walk by a group that is laughing, sometimes I'll get scared that they're laughing at me. When I walk, I'll feel like my legs are weak. What's happening?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Pisslan616

    I know what you mean with the laughing groups.

    I was laughed at in school. I wouldn't say I was bullied but I definitely was a target for bullies.

    I a few years after leaving school everytime I heard laughter in public I instantly thought it was at me. Most of the time it wasn't and it has mostly warn off.

    As for the rest of your post I duno. Maybe you just need more human contact.

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    • ucipher8

      Agreed about contact. This is why i always wear headphones, people love to talk shit. When they know they didn't insult you, you can catch them off guard ;)

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    I was just apart of an inside joke today. And i feel the same as you, if they are laughing at you just ignore it they are just immature i learned that the hard way

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do this when I'm in public. I always feel like I'm dying or venerable.

    I think it's a panic attack. There also a phobia on public situations....

    Why don't you go out with someone you know?
    They could help make you feel safer.

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  • Ellenna

    Sounds like an anxiety attack to me, maybe you could get some therapy or try meditation?

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  • karmasAbich

    I think your being too self conscious. I'm saying this because I do the same thing haha. We just need to calm down. It's good to be alone at least once a day but find balance. Im sure theyre just as insecure if not more so, they just put on a mask. Walk with your head up high

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