Is it normal that i get panic attacks hearing cars?

Is it normal that I go into a full blown panic attack if I hear someone pull in the driveway whether or not it's my house or someone else's? Is it normal that if someone parks next to my car in a parking lot I feel like I'm going to die?

Voting Results
21% Normal
Based on 58 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • telly34

    It sounds like you have had some sort of trauma.
    I hope that things get better for you :)

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  • CloudyPachinko

    You panic when hearing cars...but you have a car?
    I assume you DRIVE that car, which means when you START that car you can HEAR it!

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  • dirtybirdy

    Normal? I doubt it. Why don't you dig a little to unearth the root of this issue.

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